JLR Robotic Charger

Use any technology of your choice to accurately detect the position of the plug, which can be deployed on a production vehicle. Your robot’s charging end should be able to move and latch/unlatch the charging plug into the socket autonomously and return to its location. The bot is a cost-effective charging system, having rigid support on the ground. It employs simple devices such as stepper motors, linear actuators, and a gear assembly. It has a well-defined locomotive system which makes it possible to maneuver the robot considering all the possible orientations in which the charging point can be located. A spherical coordinate system where two linear actuators move in an x-y plane and a rotating platform for theta rotation, which is achieved by a well-defined gear train. This bot also contains a compliant mechanism at the end effector, responsible for moving the charger plug in all directions to find the best fit, thereby avoiding any irregularities during plugging. It also contains a suspension system for avoiding any jerks during plugging. Components: 1. Charging Plug (Male) 2. End Effector enclosure 3. Revolute joint 4. Linear actuator with 1500 mm stroke length 5. Rotating platform with revolute joint 6. Big Stepper motor (Nema 23) 7. Gearbox 8. Connecting Rod 9. Linear actuator with 500 mm stroke length 10. 3× castor wheels 11. Worm gear assembly with reduction ratio 36:1 12. Complaint mechanism 13. Suspension 14. Night vision camera 15. Spur gear (20 teeth, 10 cm diameter) 16. Spur gear (15 teeth, 7.5 cm diameter) 17. Spur gear (30 teeth, 15 cm diameter) 18. Gear shaft 19. Revolute joint 20. 2x small stepper motor

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mechanical-engineering robotic robot-design innovative-design cad-assembly industrial-automation 2dof-manipulator robotic-charger autonomous-charging linear-actuator charging-dock robot-charger-arm robotic-manipulator