RS01 - Motorcycle design, modelling and rendering

Start from 0, I designed, concepted, 3D modelled and assembled this motorcycle piece by piece in Fusion360 and other software. Then taking into Cinema4D where I created the renders and an animation to showcase the bike.

  • STRAK_design
  • josm
  • HawT3D
  • CarlosPT
liked this model
cad-design automotive-design fusion-360 product-animation cinema-4d automotive-design-service 3d-animation-studio octane-render 3d-modelling-and-design rendering-3d render-image 3drendering-animation product-design-and-development electric-motorcycle 3d-modelling-rendering


  • You must spent a nice amount of time doing that cool thing, right?... Great work!
  • mdereve (author)
    @CarlosPT Yes! It was a long project, individually modelling and designing components as I went down to the smallest bolts that you can't even see. Glad how it turned out in the end though!