The Shaking Incubator project with a Swing-Up Door involved a comprehensive design and engineering process to create a sophisticated laboratory device with precise functionality and efficient operation. The project unfolded through the following key stages:
* Device Dimension Study and Design Iterations:
Conducted an in-depth study of the device dimensions and iteratively generated multiple designs to arrive at the optimal dimensions and shape for the shaking incubator.
* System Specification and Integration:
Identified and integrated essential systems into the device, including the heating system, cooling system, orbital shaking system, and control unit/panel to ensure seamless operation.
* Heating System Design:
Calculated the required number of heaters and their wattage, designed a suitable fan for internal air circulation, and engineered the mechanical design of the heating unit for optimal performance inside the shaking incubator.
* Orbital Shaking Mechanism:
Developed an orbital shaking system using a DC motor with a gearbox to achieve the desired shaking motion for the chemicals plate.
* Innovative Cooling System Design:
Overcame the challenge of the device's small volume by designing a unique cooling system using Peltier modules, carefully considering thermal conductivity and utilizing 10 modules to provide 150 watts of cooling power.
* Swing-Up Door Design:
Engineered a swing-up door that ensures a secure seal to prevent heat leakage, incorporating Air gas dampers for controlled opening, and using ABS for transparency and galvanized steel for strength and ease of manufacturing.
* Manufacturability Optimization:
Redesigned the device to account for sheet metal factors, fixations, welding requirements, and assembly considerations to streamline the manufacturing process.
* Accessories Selection and Supervised Manufacturing:
Selected appropriate accessories like dampers, hinges, and rubber bases, and closely supervised the manufacturing process encompassing laser cutting, sheet metal bending, welding, and electrostatic painting.
* Assembly Oversight:
Supervised the meticulous assembly of device elements to ensure functionality, precision, and adherence to design specifications.
This project exemplifies a systematic approach to design, innovation in system integration, and meticulous oversight throughout the manufacturing and assembly processes, resulting in the successful creation of a high-performance shaking incubator with a swing-up door.