VR Headset

Designed an Innovative & stylish VR headset loaded with excellent features capable enough to enhance the user experience & stand out as an innovative product. Used Solidworks 2021 for designing the model & Solidworks Visualise 2021 for rendering. Assumed average forehead width to be 16cm & eye separation of 7cm at 4.5cm below top of forehead. 1. Can be used for any phone of size between 135x65mm to 170x80mm 2. Mechanism to adjust Lens separation so that one can adjust view according to their eye configuration. 3. Use of Suction Grip to attach the phone will provide excellent grip and it also allows to attach phone in any suitable orientation. 4. Made a simple & efficient mechanism to hold the phone case with VR body so that the case doesn't slide out. It will lock the holding plate. 5. Cuts on holding case enables phone speaker sound to come out, it also helps in heat transfer to prevent overheat 6. Holes are given on front face also for proper sound & heat transfer 7. Used cushion to make it comfortable & it will provide flexibility to attach with different foreheads. 8. Cut making room for nose 9. Elastic band to fit VR on different sized foreheads easily, the band shown is completely elastic, will adjust itself so that it will fit almost all sizes of a normal human head. 10.Flexible band on top to prevent VR from toppling down the head 11. Equipped with earphones(Bluetooth connectivity), can switch between earphone mode & phone speaker mode by just pressing and holding the bluetooth switch 12.Buttons for media control (Next, previous, pause/play, volume) enables the user to control without taking the phone out of VR, if the user wants to pause/play the video he just has to press the button, no need to detach the phone & then pause/play by touch. 13.Provided space for electronic components such as bluetooth connectivity, buttons, battery etc such that they are not blocking the vision.

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prototype product-design industrial-design ergonomic-design 3d-printed virtual-reality vr-headset head-mounted-display wearable-tech tech-gadgets adjustable-strap custom-vr gaming-accessories diy-vr immersive-experience