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Let us help you find a 3D designer for your swimming pool project!

Are you looking to create a gorgeous swimming pool for your backyard? Or maybe you’re a swimming pool installation company and need help designing site plans for your upcoming projects. One of the best things you can do is hire a freelance 3D CAD designer to make a gorgeous, malleable design for your site plan. 

3D modeling services use 3D models to design a representative, architecturally accurate 3D drawing that shows all the aspects of the object you are planning to create — in this case, a swimming pool. CAD design can often be one of the first steps when crafting a new design for landscaping, designing a swimming pool, or creating a piece of architecture. Many design tools can be leveraged to create compelling and architecturally accurate schematics, giving a sense of realism, depth, and visual understanding that typical blueprints cannot match.

CAD design software, such as SolidWorks, Creo, or AutoCAD, offers incredible flexibility and precision when designing a large schematic. These plans or models that you choose to incorporate the design, will be easily adjustable in size and depth and will present an incredible visual display for your customers to observe and for you to work from. 

To facilitate the process, a skilled 3D designer or swimming pool design professional offers the best opportunity to create a visually stunning and schematically accurate design. Using their skills, you can create a dynamic display that will give you a lifelike vision from which to construct your swimming pool, which will be a marketing highlight to show your current and prospective clients. 

3D CAD design for swimming pool design is more about dimensions and architecture than anything else. This design process will be as precise as you want, accounting for the thickness of concrete, rebar, and any covering or coating you want to apply to the project. The designer will be able to make complex designs and shapes that are as intricate as your company is capable of making. It will be dimensionally factual and stable, so you can work directly off a 3D visualization of the final product. 

Let’s look at several benefits a Pool Studio designer can offer your business when designing and constructing swimming pools.

Outdoor Swimming Pool Rendering Design

1. Final Product Visualization – When you hire a 3D CAD designer, you can create and visualize the final product well before you begin the installation. The level of detail and accuracy that these programs offer will make a lifelike, dynamic visual that you can observe and market well before completing the project. 

This allows you to present it to clients as a complete design so they can make decisions on changes regarding what you have mocked up. The best part is that the design will be dimensionally accurate and stable. Any adjustments you make will automatically be connected to the other dimensions and ensure everything continues to work correctly.

The benefit of seeing your final product before it’s created can’t be overstated. Not only can you make adjustments on the fly and redesign the project before beginning construction, but you can use it as advertising and marketing for your current and future clients. There may be situations when the current project hasn’t been officially accepted or decided upon. Still, the addition of a stunning 3D CAD design can add the final push to ensure that you get the bid for that project. 

You may be able to advertise the service you have created to future clients as well, ensuring future business with each project you perform. Your opportunities swing wide open when you can see your final vision in detail with accurate dimensions and sizing before the physical installation. 

2. Improved Design Efficiency – As we mentioned above, the world of computer-aided design can work wonders. One of the great perks of using a CAD service is the inherent efficiency in their design process. When making a schematic, each dimension and measurement is verified and coordinated to ensure that it matches the pieces to which it is connected. 

Once all of these pieces are verified, they work in unison. When you adjust one line, for instance, changing the length of one side of a rectangular pool to transform it into a trapezoid shape, the connected dimensions will follow suit. With one simple click of a button, the entire design shifts and readjusts itself to fit your new vision. These adjustments on the fly are incredibly useful when dealing with fickle clients who have ever-fluctuating demands in their heads. 

Another efficiency benefit of using a CAD designer is that you can hand off the project in its design phase and worry about other things. Instead of creating a sketch for the upcoming project, you reach out to a designer, give them the information, and they will create a design from what you’ve given them without you having to be hands on. 

This allows you to work on another installation, sell a new pool design to a different set of clients, or sit back and relax. Freelance 3D CAD designers offer flexibility and freedom so that your projects will come to life quickly and with minimal effort on your part. As a busy manager or business owner, this will only save you time and headaches and make your life easier and more efficient.

3. Portfolio Material – This new design could be used as a selling point for future customers, but it goes further than that. When you are in a swimming pool design and installation business, building pools entirely for marketing isn't feasible. You need to have funding from a customer to go ahead and construct something as large as a swimming pool. Because of this, each project you have completed becomes your portfolio and your marketing campaign to future clients. If you can create designs cheaply and quickly to represent what you can do, your marketing opportunities will explode.

With a 3D CAD designer, you can create variations on projects you’ve completed to include in your portfolio. You may have never done a swimming pool with a hot tub incorporated into it, but you know that your business is capable of that. Why not create a schematic for one that you can include in your portfolio to advertise to potential clients? 

Then, when someone comes along who does want that, you’ll be able to sell yourself to them and get the business. This design process will happen as each client goes through different iterations. A CAD software program will quickly and efficiently store all the new variations of the design so that you can advertise them in the future and also so that you have previous design selections from which to choose for your next project. 

Having a living portfolio makes it so much easier to create new designs because all you have to do is make a few minor adjustments to a design you already have, and it’s complete. A freelance professional CAD designer can create countless designs for your business, for actual projects and iterations, and for portfolio and marketing material to sell to your potential future clients.

Now that we’ve discussed the benefits a freelance CAD designer can offer your company, how will they go about making your dream, and the many projects your business has to handle, into a reality? There are various software platforms to choose from, each with different benefits to make your project work. Let’s look at some standard design choices that a CAD designer will use.

Swimming Pool Rendering Design

The software used by architectural drafting services to create your swimming pool design

1. SolidWorks – SolidWorks is a standard CAD design software used by architectural drafting services. This software product allows the user to create a solitary, three-dimensional product, separated in space from other objects. It can be used to create a diagram of the entire space (such as a patio area surrounding the pool), or it can be used to effectively create a negative image of the final product so that you can see the space that will be occupied. 

This is a standard go-to tool for many 3D designers because it is intuitive and allows for a very adaptable and manipulatable view of the design. Cad Crowd's SolidWorks designers can scale designs, rotate, and much more with incredible ease when using SolidWorks, and it has the flexibility to create incredibly complex shapes. Another benefit of this software is that it’s compatible with most 3D printers, so you can print out designs for visualization purposes if you like. Cad Crowd offers 3D printing design services should you need assistance.

Imagine the marketing capabilities you would have if you could walk into a meeting with a client with a fully-fledged desktop version of the pool you’re planning to create for them, printed directly from the design that’s been created. On the other hand, it is not so much of an architectural tool as it is a product design tool, so your creation will be a solitary product, and it will require more work to outline the remainder of the landscaping and project around it if you wanted to present a comprehensive view.

Cad Crowd has SolidWorks design services and freelance SolidWorks designers to help with your swimming pool design requirements.

2. AutoCAD – AutoCAD is another trusty go-to program. This program has the added benefit of being viewable by many programs, have “Lite” versions that are pared down for ease of use and economic considerations, and more. Using AutoCAD, 3D designers offer 3D architectural rendering services that display the entire location with dimensions and layers to create an incredible vision of the space. 

You can create simple two-dimensional views to see a bird’s eye image of the space or to extrude everything out and represent the entire design in real life. These options are beneficial because you can vary between designs for different needs – three-dimensional for marketing and showing to clients and a bird’s eye view for construction and architecture. 

Unfortunately, AutoCAD is not the most visually stunning of the different services. While you can incorporate more color and design into the drawing, AutoCAD was designed for architectural use primarily, so the drawings are far more informational than ornamental. These drawings, however, will be incredibly beneficial when you are building the final product for your customers – and that can’t be overstated. The result will be your best marketing tool.

3. SketchUp – Google has offered a free 3D design program called SketchUp. It has some of the capabilities of SolidWorks and some of AutoCAD, giving you a free option that stands in a middle ground. You can create two-dimensional line drawings to outline the space and help you visualize a holistic view of the design. You can also create a scaled, three-dimensional final product model using 3D product modeling services. This versatility works well in your favor, but SketchUp is a stripped-down version of the other programs.

The 3D CAD designer you hire won’t have all the capabilities that would allow them to create a design as unique and stunning as some of the other programs, but it is free, and it is relatively easy to use. Suppose you choose to hire a swimming pool design professional who uses SketchUp. In that case, you should know that it will be limited, but that doesn’t mean it won’t still be an excellent design – and as a bonus, you can get a free version where you can tweak or update aspects of the design they send you.

4. ArchiCAD – ArchiCAD is, as the name implies, an architectural software. ArchiCAD has similar features as AutoCAD, but it is designed for architectural use, which means it has some impressive extra features. This software package is created with design in mind, which incorporates the ability to create illustrative designs that show off the aesthetic look of your project. You can add textures, finishes, and materials more easily than in the other packages.

ArchiCAD is a handy tool in the architectural design arsenal because it creates 3D designs in consecutive 2D layers to build up into a cohesive structure. For swimming pool designs, this allows you to showcase features in your pool design and make for a clear and concise drawing that can easily be stratified to use as an architectural blueprint. Unfortunately, the program's complexity requires more skill, precision, and experience than others, so you need to use a higher-end designer. While that is a great assurance of quality, the expense that comes with it is more prohibitive. This is an excellent alternative for future projects if you forego it in the short term.

5. MicroStation – If ArchiCAD is the sleek, design-focused architectural software, then MicroStation is the rugged, architecturally-focused design software. MicroStation design services offer the same capabilities as ArchiCAD, including the textures and bonus features, but MicroStation’s focus is much more on the architectural aspect. While they work similarly, MicroStation displays more schematic data and highlights important architectural features instead of automatically reverting to stylistic choices.

If the final product from ArchiCAD is too removed from the engineering and architecture world, MicroStation would be a better choice for you. It will show you the fancy materials and textures, but it will do it on a more austere background centered on the numbers and dimensions of your design. A MicroStation engineer will work the same way, scaling a product up in sections and layers to create a fully-realized 3D image for your presentation and blueprint needs. Still, it will be more stylistically appealing to an engineer than an interior designer. As with ArchiCAD, MicroStation is a more specialized design suite, so the experience and skills necessary will make it more expensive than others. But with both software packages, finding a swimming pool design professional capable of creating designs in them is well worth the time and money spent.

There are many options, and the five software packages covered here don’t fully capture the different choices that a capable 3D CAD designer offers. If you need a swimming pool design professional to create a visually impressive and architecturally accurate drawing, a freelance designer can offer you all the benefits with significantly less headache. 

Inground Swimming Pool Rendering

The benefits of hiring a freelance 3D designer

Check out the offerings of Cad Crowd and see the variety of skills and software solutions available. You can select the best designers and have them create amazing pieces of work for your swimming pool or landscaping design, or 3D landscape rendering. Look at a few benefits of hiring a freelance 3D designer for your project.

1. Rapid Turnaround Time – With a freelance swimming pool designer, you’re working with an individual who gets paid by the project deadline. These designers are motivated and ready to complete your project as quickly as possible. Freelance designers are typically your best option if you have a project and need it completed within a specific time frame. An added benefit of working with freelancers, though, is that they will also work non-traditional hours. In addition to being motivated to work diligently on your project, they may work five twelve-hour days to complete it quickly so they can take the following week off.

Their flexibility significantly benefits your company because they will complete your project faster. With contracts waiting, a swimming pool construction company must have rapid turnaround times. So often, a customer wants to see a well-designed schematic before approving the purchase, so it’s imperative that you can produce one quickly. And then, with the possibility of numerous redesigns, either from changing customer desires, building requirements, or other factors beyond your control, the design process can be one of the major hindrances in your deadlines. Hire a freelance CAD designer and get it done fast.

2. Lower Costs – Working with a freelancer is a surefire way to keep your costs in control. If you’re hiring a full-time professional to add to your team and complete these projects, you will incur the cost of salary, benefits, and space. This is cumbersome and can be a deal-breaker. You don’t want to incur the cost of a full-time salaried employee because you need drawings done for a project. Alternatively, you could learn the software yourself, but that could take months or more to get proficient enough to complete the designs, and by that time, you’d have missed your deadline anyways.

A freelance 3D CAD designer is a ready-to-use resource that can rapidly create your designs as needed. Better still, their prices are competitive, and when you’re working through Cad Crowd, you can compare them with others. Is a freelancer too expensive for your project? Find a cheaper one just as quickly. You can add the capability of an entire CAD design department to your company for clear and straightforward prices based on each project you plan to undertake. 

3. Flexibility – This is tied closely with rapid turnaround time, but a freelance designer can add flexibility benefits to your company. As a business that deals with various customers and fluctuating demand, you may not be able to provide enough consistent work to hire a full-time engineer, even if you can afford it. It does you no good to have a swimming pool design professional on a salary only doing significant work six months out of every year, although I don’t doubt they’d enjoy their job in that situation.

With a bevy of freelancers available at your fingertips, you can select a swimming pool design professional available immediately to work on a specific project. There is no necessary commitment for anything else. That way, you can have the production while you have the work. In addition, if you have a dedicated CAD designer, you may only get a few software skills from that individual. With a database of different CAD designers, you can choose freelancers for the different skill sets you need. Suppose a client wants a more dynamic picture of their project. In that case, you can hire a swimming pool design professional with dozens of years of experience with ArchiCAD, but if another client needs a dimensional layout, choose a designer skilled in AutoCAD. Finally, you have the flexibility to hire multiple freelancers at a time.

If you suddenly find that you have too many jobs to handle at once, you can find several freelance designers to complete the design phase of your project concurrently. This flexibility allows you to expand and tackle many more projects and offers you a competitive advantage with the designs you can create.

Whatever the needs of your swimming pool and landscaping design company, Cad Crowd has a freelancer that can take your business to the next level. Countless software programs can do as much or as little as you need for projects of any complexity. The ease, cost-efficiency, and turnaround time you can have from these designers will give you an incredible competitive advantage and keep you ahead of the competition. Your business can handle the exploding workload you will receive when you hire these freelance designers. Look through the database today to find the perfect fit for your business needs.

Cad Crowd's expert drafting services will help with your project

At Cad Crowd, we pride ourselves on our ability to cultivate top-tier design talent. We work with some of the world's best product designers and CAD services. Whether you're looking for a swimming pool design or something else, contact us today for a free quote.

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