San Diego has a really imaginative park that humans certainly enjoy, but it’s really for the birds, with creative art installations for the principal reason of attracting feathered friends in an urban environment. Dogs enjoy the park too.
With all this canine activity at the hydrants, the park’s keepers might want to consider an innovative design for a pet waste treatment system. A developer saw the need for a pet convenience and approached the online CAD freelancer recruitment company Cad Crowd to assemble some designs.
There couldn’t be a better choice than using Cad Crowd with its worldwide network of freelance CAD specialists. Cad Crowd got the word out about the contest along with the prize money that was up for grabs to the best design.
Cad Crowd freelancers are an eager bunch willing to pitch their knowledge and software skills against their fellow designers to covet the prize. The competition was tough with 24 entries looking to have their design become the top pooch poop pummeler.
The parameters were set by the contest initiator, with such things as it mustn’t look industrial, be sturdily constructed, and not expensive to make, with $35 being the production cost limit. Entries were very well thought out and sophisticated with a number of them incorporating solar panels to assist in breaking down sludge into a harmless end product, such as this one called the Octalive by Rocky17 from Indonesia.
The designer says the system can be used as an in-ground or above-ground installation and the size is customizable. Another entry looks more like a green bin and consists of three parts: the base, lid, and basket. It’s designed to go into the ground with only the lid exposed. The basket is filled with water, to which an enzyme decomposing powder is added. The treated sludge eventually exits the pet waste treatment system (PWTS as it’s called by its developer) into the ground below. Designer J. Johnson from the United Kingdom calls the device “visually appealing as well as functional.” The next step might be teaching Fido how to flush.
A business that produces adult toys wanted to spice up extracurricular activities by offering more options to those looking for new directions. A contest was born with a clear stipulation that designs mustn’t look “angry” and 19 Cad Crowd freelancers spurted to action. Some designs were pleasantly simplistic such as the Adult Toy by Greece’s Michael Dimou, a talented freelance mechanical engineer.
While others demand some instruction or at least testing. The designer Schypy from Romania says there is a presentation that goes with the product, so that should help. Items such as this are all the more reason to stay in tonight.
And while we’re on the subject, how about a place to put chocolate instead of just in your mouth, or otherwise? A contest for a luxury chocolate tray that would befit a wedding saw entries for items even made from gold, such as this proposal by India’s Aadit Gandhi.
Or the Drizzle Bowl from JaeJones of the U.S.
Time to get on the road in your newly cleaned vehicle. Many people have been stymied at the vacuum bay of public car washes by wondering how the attachment on the hose can fit into nooks and crevices that can leave debris behind. A car wash owner wanted to give clients a better clean and started a contest for a superior shaped hose nozzle attachment. Entries began to pile in from Cad Crowd’s intrepid freelancers and totaled 100, with two sample designs by RRM from India and Argentina’s Pablo Gosso.
The amazing thing about Cad Crowd contests is they attract a lot of true talent when it comes to designs and ideas, and the competition’s owner gets to pick which entry is best while keeping the other entries as well. If you have an idea that you want to make real, try getting invention design help by using Cad Crowd’s services.
Set up an initial meeting with Cad Crowd’s administrators, which is free and confidentiality is strictly obeyed. Once you have a design, continue with Cad Crowd to take a new product through prototyping, testing, and manufacturing services. In fact, your biggest job is selling the item through whatever means you decide.
It’s not always complex items that need developing. In 2019, the range of ideas went from teddy bears to designing visual reality concepts and even mapping out urban development for a city’s entertainment sector. Pablo Gosso, who we read about before with vacuum attachments, developed this stunning concept that would surely be well-used urban space.
City developers always want to create public spaces that are user-friendly and never appear as being conducive to crime. This is especially true for enclosed spaces and one initiator wanted to couple artificial intelligence with a device to prevent sexual assault. The owner didn’t want the device to be blatantly obvious and resemble a smoke detector, while it’s really monitoring people through AI. The project stirred up interest by providing 118 entries with Indonesia’s Ridwan Sept and Supra77 receiving the top two places in the contest.
Open innovation isn’t always developing something that’s never been marketed before as it could also be improving a device that already exists. The wheelchair saw an update from Cad Crowd freelancers in 2019 through a competition for plans “as if Tesla designed it,” said the contest owner. Creative minds again took up the challenge such as this design by Nidhish from India that can double as a walker.
Or a creation by Indonesia’s Ecco that, like the one by Nidhish, can be folded up and put into an aircraft’s overhead bin.
It really is as simple as coming up with an idea and starting your own contest with Cad Crowd. Professional designers using sophisticated computer programs will soon have you choosing which design is best.
Excellent reviews and repeat business from Cad Crowd customers clearly indicate that objectives are constantly being achieved. You owe it to yourself and your idea of contacting Cad Crowd and getting your project started. See how you can launch a design contest.
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