How 3D Furniture Modeling Can Drive Your New Product Revenue

How 3D Furniture Modeling Can Drive Your New Product Revenue

3D modeling is enticing for audiences across all age groups and professions, especially in the furnishing industry. Furniture 3D modeling entails creating virtual versions of a particular product to demonstrate how it will appear in reality.

This constitutes the reasons why the demand for 3D furniture modeling has spiked tremendously, as it drives new product revenue. Prospective buyers expect to see their furniture and its look and finish even before they place the order, making 3D furniture modeling services a blessing for businesses in all industries.

Now, let’s take a look at what 3D furniture modeling is.

3D furniture modeling is the process by which graphical content is created with the help of 3D software such as AutoCAD and 3ds Max to create visualizations identical to the product in real life.

Before we talk about the ways 3D furniture modeling can drive your new product revenue, let’s take a look at the type of furniture 3D modeling to order from a 3D rendering company.

3D Furniture Modeling for Promotional Materials

Several 3D modeling types are used for creating product shots and lifestyles. What you use depends on the intended quality of the results. While polygonal models are cheaper and faster to make, the level of detail is limited to the quality of polygons.

However, freelance 3D sculpting is difficult and requires expensive and meticulous labor that only a professional is capable of. This makes it the polar opposite of a polygonal model, but the positive side is that 3D sculpting pays off by being gorgeous and hyper-detailed. It’s perfect for designing high-quality furniture, while polygonal models are just a good solution for average or common designs.

3D Furniture Modeling for Product Websites

Since e-commerce is dominating the market, your websites need high-quality visuals to back up product pages. Just like with promotional materials, 3D modeling for websites can come in the form of product shots and lifestyles. Generally, customers want more from the content they’re viewing, and 360-degree view, zoom-in, and other functions will effectively make your furniture more presentable than static images.

3D Furniture Modeling for Customer Education Content

Providing an interactive and comprehensive manual for customers is a good idea when your company specializes more on modular furniture. Simple polygonal models will do just fine here since the materials don’t have to be complex. It is, however, important to make sure the shape is precise and connecting parts are colored to ease understanding.

3d furniture modeling
By Cad Crowd User sandip dhaduk

The 3D models here are to educate customers. These are interactive brochures that explain to clients how to get the most of the items they buy. It’s not a bad idea to use either 3D sculpting or NURMS here, depending on which option works best.

3D Furniture Modeling for Testing Design Prototypes

Ordering NURMS models from a 3D product modeling company and letting the marketers test how good their reception will be is the best option here for testing design prototypes. This is because design prototypes are an expensive task with no guarantee that it will pay off unless you’re using CGI.

Moreover, all you need is social media and high-quality 3D furniture modeling, since there is no need to produce actual props to see if a client finds new items appealing. Ordering NURMS makes it all easier.

Now, let’s talk about the way 3D furniture modeling can drive your new product revenue.

1. An agile approach to the challenges ahead: When a visual product is designed and built in a flexible and scalable way, which is not exclusively tailored to certain technology standards, dealer networks can fulfill a vital role in the customer journey when 3D modeling is used to optimize the consumer’s decision process. This makes 3D modeling a powerful tool to explore new digital business opportunities at your own pace without ignoring the current offline channels, thus enhancing their effectiveness

2. Helping furniture brands to transition at their own pace: Most companies that are reluctant to plunge into the digital depths head-on will eventually discover that lingering at the brim is not an option. They will realize that highly expandable, adaptable, and versatile solutions are vital in helping brands to transition at their own pace. Only technology that can adapt and evolve allows brands to be optimally fit for a digital environment while staying navigable to seize new opportunities.

3. Linking all the steps of the customer journey: This has helped in linking all the steps of the customer journey together — for instance, a customer configuring a couch at home before visiting a selected dealer or brand experience center to confirm her choice. There is no need to despair if the customer walks out without closing the deal because she might come home, place the piece of furniture in her living room with augmented reality on her smartphone, and then decide to purchase the item with ease. With this, it integrates all steps into a seamless digital experience, posing a new customer journey that drives your product revenue.

4. 3D modeling fulfills demands for customization and transparency: Knowing that the digital world is not going to blow away any time soon, many are now weighing their options. That is why adopting a disruptive strategy is often considered a bit too disruptive. But realizing that a successful digital transition is not something you do overnight, most brands are trying to find a middle ground.

It is this gradual approach that puts the visual 3D model at the forefront of the digital surge. This is not only limited to sales and marketing – but it also poses as a spearhead in a company’s digital transition. Thus, the 3D model can fulfill the pressing demands for customization.

5. Customer-centered mindset: There is a clear drive toward tailoring products and their marketing to the individual needs of the consumers because most businesses require a truly customer-centered mindset. Moreover, the digital age asks for transparency and clarity.

RELATED: How 3D Modeling Can Cut Costs in the Furniture Market

This constitutes the reason why 3D furniture modeling makes your product more feasible on a large scale, and moreover, mass customization is already taking off for other laborious products. For instance, Adidas has been working rapidly towards mass-producing individually 3D printed shoes in collaboration with a brand named Silicon Valley Start-Up Carbon.

6. Addressing custom demands: 3D modeling creates a one-time visual that increases sales and appeals to your customers at the same time. No matter the occasion or the industry, you are always client-ready with 3D furniture modeling.

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By Cad Crowd User Juan Carlos Rosalejos

7. Give your customers more options to choose from: Customers can be inspired to buy your product with 3D modeling. All you need is to give them a preview of how their interiors will appear with your products and see how their mind changes. That is why visualized 3D spaces can change the buying decisions of clients.

8. Reduce efforts in reproduction: With 3D furniture modeling, you can change product dimensions without actually changing them. This means whether you’re designing furniture models for corporates or working with luxury furniture 3D models, you only need to change the product description in a catalog digitally.

9. International décor elements for interior designing: Most 3D rendering companies now use freelance interior designers to add décor elements in spaces. Your interior designer can be halfway across the globe, and you can collaborate from another half of the world and get the replica built with the help of 3D furniture design created.

10. A multitude of options and choices: Irrelevant to the setting, you can create 3D models with assorted options in a short period. Moreover, since the products life-like, and to satisfy your customers to their heart content, you can offer a world of choices to them.

11. A palette of visual resources for marketing and promotional campaigns: Using 3D furniture modeling to create strategic marketing collateral and sharing on social media will attract customers and boost your product revenue

12. You can save a lot on both time and money: With 3D future modeling, you can do away with photographers, photo shoots, studio rentals, and create product-rich catalogs that give your customers plenty of options to choose from. Another positive side of this is that you will only manufacture what your customer orders.

13. Expanding the limit: Most customers don’t even know if the product variety will suit them. For instance, most people recognize U-shaped desks as office furniture for corporate customers. The outcome is that the model finds new users across various contexts and sells in large numbers. 3D modeling is an innovative solution that will help furniture marketers and manufacturers reach out to a broader audience and improve online product experiences.

14. Proving quality: Despite various marketing efforts, those in the middle of the sales funnel often remain uncertain about the quality of the model. But the model can also convince skeptics in two ways. Firstly, the viewers notice the expertise behind the product and the effort put into it. In this way, they know precisely what they are paying for. Secondly, they see how the furniture manufacturer ensures quality that will attract customers, which as a result will improve product revenue.

15. Building awareness: By showing customers 3D furnishings with a short instruction, the manufacturer addresses the uncertainty of the middle-of-funnel buyers and evokes interest in the top-of-funnel customers.

Empowering Your Product Marketing Campaign

Since 3D modeling is a boundless source of stellar marketing materials, 3D modeling companies can easily offer remarkable marketing materials of any kind that are impossible to ignore, and at this point, a failed marketing campaign can jeopardize the launch of the new product line. However, there are tips you can use to create marketing campaigns using product modeling services.

Here are five tips to empower your product marketing campaign using a 3D modeling service.

1. Improve e-commerce customer experience: Why will a customer go to a real shop if they have the same experience online. 3D modeling companies give an opportunity to examine products in detail from every possible view. Experience is key in any marketing campaign, and if a customer can be given the privilege to examine a product in every possible view online, then there won’t be any reason to go to a real shop for a transaction.

2. Increase click-through rate of product digital ads: To compete with the leading furniture company for clicks, marketers have to find new advertising strategies and try different types of digital ads. Most 3D modeling companies provide services that can help to create an impressive variety of digital advertising materials that will attract the attention of the target audience. This is more common especially now that the effectiveness of online advertising demands the highest visual quality and tech-savvy assets.

3d couch
By Cad Crowd User Mirko Rozman

For instance, a marketer can get multiple product images with different backgrounds, angles, and types of shoots by having CGI models. Marketers are free to choose what product images work best for their advertising since 3D models of a product can be put into photorealistic lifestyle renderings and entertaining 3D furniture animations which can be used for innovative banners or pops-up.

3. Drive your website’s conversion rate: Photorealistic lifestyle shots transform product pages into interesting and vivid design magazines, and this content makes website visitors stay longer, check different sections, and learn about products more with every click. As a result, it’s only a matter of time before users will make their first purchase and are subsequently turned into customers.

4. Boost email newsletter open rate: 3D modeling companies offer a great solution for getting versatile product images of high quality. The perfect lighting and image just beg to be opened. Moreover, there is a higher chance they will not only open a newsletter if the content of marketing emails is appealing to subscribers, but they will go to the online store and make a purchase. By turning to a professional 3D modeling team, a marketer can get CGI visuals for advanced digital advertising, increased communication, and interactions with clients and in a way to create all sorts of amenities for online customers.

5. Test the market demand for new products before producing: 3D modeling companies help to create product design images for testing and approving new furniture beforehand. In the past, there was no way to test new products without spending the budget on producing a high-quality prototype, and if the result wasn’t up to expectations, money would be lost. In this case, you can gather pre-orders using product CGI images only and estimate the result. If the test launch brings many pre-orders, however, the chances of a large-scale launch being successful are much better.

Cad Crowd Can Connect You with 3D Furniture Modeling Experts

At Cad Crowd, we have a network of 3D modeling experts who have experience working in the interior design and furniture design fields. Regardless of what style of furniture you wish to have designed, we can connect you with a freelance CAD designer who will get to know your asks and deliver an accurate product. If you’re interested, get a free quote today.

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Emily Trager