Excellent product development results from the expertise of a product development expert. Starting with a rough concept, the iterative process…
Most entrepreneurs and inventors strive to create profitable inventions. However, to achieve this goal, there are two unique paths you…
When the home computer became a mainstream device during the late 1980s or early 1990s, the subsequent progress and widespread…
In the past few decades, China has grown to become a significant economic power. Much has changed for the country…
So, you’re ready to turn the design you’ve been working on into a full-fledged marketable product. Many entrepreneurs get to…
With the rapid pace of technological innovation, it's no surprise that the materials available for manufacturing are changing, too. While…
Many businesses focus on increasing their profit margins and creating innovative products that will impress their target audience. There’s definitely…
Like many people, you might think that achieving business success involves having sky-high sales and revenues. However, you have to…
Injection molding is one of those technologies that is so central to our everyday lives that we hardly notice it.…
Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, is a relatively new manufacturing technology that has significantly shifted the product design…
Turning your idea into an invention is one thing. The next goal is to turn that invention into a marketable…
So, you've worked out the perfect product design. You've done the prototyping and the testing, and you're pretty confident that…