Top 20 Industries Using VR Services for Business: Virtual Reality (VR) Technology

Virtual reality, or VR, is no longer only seen in sci-fi shows and movies. Now more than ever, VR has become part of people’s day-to-day reality. Several industries have already got their slice of the VR cake, tapping into this breakthrough technology and enjoying its perks with the assistance of 3D virtual reality & VR/AR rendering services. VR provides a controlled environment that mimics real-life scenarios with minimal risk for the people in them. The following are the top 20 industries using VR services for business operations:

Top 20 industires using VR services for business

1. Architecture 

3D AR/VR architectural services allow architects to envision what they are building but also helps them understand how the construction feels simultaneously. This way, architects and their clients can experience the space even before its completion, and they can also make changes in real-time to ensure client satisfaction. 

RELATED: How AEC companies can leverage VR and AR simulations in architectural design

2. Layout and Art 

VR not only lets you produce lifelike paintings, but you can also be suitable in them. How would stepping into an image and popping out on the other side feel? The popular app Tilt Brush lets you create art in virtual reality. There is also Masterpiece VR that allows you to make virtual 3D sculptures and fashions. Fashion companies regularly use 3D CAD fashion design services to produce unique designs.

3. Automotive

Thanks to VR, automakers can analyze car behaviors and road scenarios. Simulated situations let them evaluate and alter the prototypes before developing a new model. VR is also extensively used in manufacturing smart cars that should reach the market soon, with the help of automotive design & engineering services. These smart cars can learn to turn, drive and stop using combined virtual reality and artificial intelligence. 

4. Digital Marketing

Although many people prefer to avoid commercials, getting the chance to use the product firsthand can be an enlightening and entertaining experience at the same time. VR has numerous applications in the digital marketing industry. Retailers, for example, can give potential customers a glimpse of how their products will look in their homes. On the other hand, nonprofits can also develop more compassionate messaging for political topics. 

RELATED: Freelance virtual reality designers & AR modeling experts for projects

5. Education 

While education seems like a slow industry for picking up new technologies and trends, VR is promising. It only means that employees can get professional training, and meanwhile, students can enjoy VR as part of field trips, educational games, and more. 

6. Entertainment 

The entertainment industry was among the first ones that use VR and continues to be a perfect example of its use and application. One look at console or online gaming is enough to see VR’s strong presence in the entertainment industry. VR is also being introduced to theme parks and cinemas to simulate movie-like adventures, allowing people to experience their favorite cinematographic works of art firsthand. 

7. Fitness

VR fitness apps are among the most used and downloaded VR apps today that lets you socialize and upgrade your home workouts. Fit XR and Supernatural are two of the most famous VR fitness apps today that have many offers to their users. For instance, Fit XR lets you participate in immersive fitness clubs with more new classes added daily, such as HIIT, boxing, and dance. 

8. Healthcare

Training is the most critical way that VR modernizes the healthcare industry. VR facilitates and supports an environment that allows users to grow and learn outside real-world situations. A specialist who needs to learn how to operate on patients can practice without involvement in an emergency. Aside from this, practitioners who have to familiarize the hospital environment will be able to do so without being exposed to additional stress. 

RELATED: How 3D virtual reality is changing the real estate industry

9. Interior Design

VR not only gives your home’s structure the much-needed makeover, but you can also use immersive experiences to copy the interior design. Companies like Flipscapes now capitalize on this, offering users 3D visualizer services for their workspace or home’s interior, from color schemes to ventilation, lighting, and specific interior design products. This type of platform doesn’t only allow homeowners and designers to envision the look and feel of properties because they can also drive more direct sales for different furniture companies such as IKEA. 

10. Journalism and news 

VR lets you watch documentaries and news stories on a whole new level. The New York Times has joined the space, and other media outlets will follow suit sooner or later. The NYT VR app allows viewers to listen to and experience stories firsthand. You will feel like you’re standing in front of the journalist at the very spot where the story unfolds. 

RELATED: How virtual reality rendering is changing the 3D design service industry

11. Occupational Health and Safety 

OH&S, or occupational health and safety, is a top concern for workplaces with natural or machinery hazards. These dangers in the workplace can now be addressed within a simulated environment to allow workers to learn how to respond to the hazards effectively without exposing themselves to any harm. 

12. Psychology and Social Science 

Much of the industry relies on virtual reality to allow patients to embody another persona and image of reality from a completely different worldview or perspective. Immersive environments will leave more positive impacts on social interactions in the future. 

13. Real Estate 

You can now search for properties without needing to step outside your home with the help of VR and architectural visualization companies. It saves you from sacrificing your precious weekend or scheduling an appointment with real estate agents in order to find the perfect property for you. VR allows real estate companies to let their clients check and explore properties online to get a feel for the space.

RELATED: Architectural VR/AR 3D rendering costs, rates & 3D modeling pricing for design firms

14. Recreation 

Several real-life hobbies are already available in VR today, and the more immersive social experience makes them more accessible and enjoyable than ever before. If you are a big fan of different cultural activities, you don’t have to fall in line or book your tickets. You can visit famous museums like London’s Natural History Museum. For sports fans, VR lets you play football or golf anywhere and anytime. 

15. Recruitment

The Lloyds Banking Group was the first UK organization that introduced VR exercises to evaluate graduates for the 2017 intake. VR poses a future possibility as a valuable tool for assessing critical skills necessary for decision-making. It can also be helpful for job interviews and even completely replace assessment days by convening candidates in the metaverse. It saves both cost and time for employers and potential employees in the interview process and attracts higher-quality talents. 

RELATED: 10 Breakthroughs in 3D rendering used by the best companies

16. Retail

The metaverse has caused dramatic changes to online shopping with the help of 3D metaverse designers. With body-scanning technology and VR retail experiences, shoppers can try on clothes, shoes, and others to see what they look like when worn in person. Aside from offering shoppers a time-effective experience, it is also more sustainable since customers can confirm if the item suits their size and shape before ordering, thus lowering the environmental cost of fast fashion production and shipping. 

17. Social

VR also allows people to meet others in the virtual space, no matter where they are. When they enter the metaverse through VR, users can visit virtual restaurants, concerts, beaches, cinemas, and more to have fun together. Many big players, such as the Horizon Worlds of Meta, have already started building social communities in the VR realm. Horizon Worlds allows people to discover virtual worlds and creates more immersive content. 

RELATED: Top 9 augmented reality apps for architecture & AR for architectural design firms

18. Space and Military

Considering how both military and space operate in hazardous environments that cannot be accessed quickly, VR offers conditions to make things as close as possible to reality for better training. Thanks to VR, trainers can prepare with reduced risks and help soldiers suffering from battlefield trauma overcome the condition and prepare for unexpected or new situations. 

19. Sports

How the world watches sports is starting to change in more ways than one as different VR companies now specialize in viewing live sports events. Sports fans can now watch the NFL, NBA, and other sports events in virtual reality. It is an excellent way to make live sports events accessible to people who cannot personally travel and go to the venue or don’t have the money to buy tickets to watch sports events in person. 

20. Tourism

How would you feel if someone told you that you could now try a holiday even before you spend money on it? Yes, this is now very much possible with the help of VR and its prominent role in today’s tourism. Travelers can now go on guided virtual tours of landmarks, hotels, restaurants, and others they plan to visit on their next trip, eliminating disappointments and regrets once they finally go there. These are just some industries into which VR is already finding its way. Soon, it is expected that VR will have more influence on how people live their lives. 

How Cad Crowd can help

There is no shortage of opportunities in the burgeoning world of virtual reality. It is literally changing the game when it comes to design and industry. A qualified designer or engineer can help you navigate this complex landscape and create a virtual world of your own making so that you can explore, navigate, create, and much more. Learn more on Cad Crowd and see what opportunities you can take advantage of and what the engineers and designers can offer you. Learn how it works or get a quote.

Mary Mellionard

Mary is a seasoned writer with over a decade of experience, specializing in engineering and technology. Her passion for design, technology, real estate, travel, and business profoundly informs her writing, allowing her to produce in-depth articles on cutting-edge techniques and trends in architecture, engineering, and product design. Additionally, Mary holds qualifications in architecture and journalism, enhancing her ability to deliver detailed and authoritative content. An adventurous foodie, she loves exploring new and exciting cuisines.

Mary Mellionard

Mary is a seasoned writer with over a decade of experience, specializing in engineering and technology. Her passion for design, technology, real estate, travel, and business profoundly informs her writing, allowing her to produce in-depth articles on cutting-edge techniques and trends in architecture, engineering, and product design. Additionally, Mary holds qualifications in architecture and journalism, enhancing her ability to deliver detailed and authoritative content. An adventurous foodie, she loves exploring new and exciting cuisines.

Published by
Mary Mellionard

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