box stacker
Choosing Finalist
We want you to build a simple box stacker that goes over a conveyor belt. We are willing to purchase a few of these, we will purchase a top labeler to install on top of the conveyor. We will not purchase the ocnveyor from you.
Here are two video you can look at
Here are close up pictures of the stckers.
- AutoCAD
Several questions:
- do you use just 3 standardized boxes type? or it is possible in time to have other dimensions?
- how many boxes are used per work shift?
- how the stacker is filled with empty boxes?
- how long it takes the conveyor to empty the stacker (as you rectify - for 45 boxes)?
- this stacker is for retrofitting your conveyor or for mass production? (for retrofitting you&;ll need a cheaper solution, while for mass production you may optin for a bettersolution, which could be a little more expensive than the retrofitting)
- if the conveyor belt is cleated, could interfere with the bottom bends of the stacker - is better to have a different solution then cleated belt (flat belt with an adjustable guide on the side which to align the boxes)
(Could you open a private msg channel - there are several few questions which I&;d like to ask)
Yes at 70 boxes it is hard for operator to fill the stacker, lets make it 45.
If you can think of a way you can stack more boxes without increasing the height , please let me know that is definitely something we would like to add but cant figure it out. Otherwise just keep it at 45
Just wish to confirm that the stacker need to hold 70 boxes? 1.25" x 70 = 87.5"(2.222m) total height? I guess it is not practical for the operator manual loading for that high. Kindly consider giving us the max and min weight for a box.
and.. when will you realize the good news "increasing the payout for this project". the number has not changed yet :)
Also, you should be able to raise and lower the stacker by 4 inches, that way it can be adjusted so it can scoop the box with the cleats of the conveyor.
. The belt on the conveyor will be cleated, like this one but the cleats will be shorter, 1.5" H by 2" W. So the cleats will go under the stacker and grab a box put it on the conveyor and the next box will be ready to get scooped
how do you want to place the stacker over the conveyor? just put it on the top frame? fixed to the frame using fastener? or ....??
Here is additional info that needs to be included in this project
1, size of box that goes into the stacker needs to be adjustable
size box # 1 : 6 L x 3 W x 1.25 H
size box # 2 : 7.5 L x 6 W X 1.25 H
size box # 3 : 14.5 L x 3 W x 1.25 H
2, At the bottom of the box, there should be a 90 deg bent like what Akang Igun did
1) Any pneumatic cylinder brand you preferred?
2) Any sensor brand you preferred?
3) How much is the belt conveyor width (Body width) for mounting purpose?
your dimensions ?