Human Skull Masterpiece - STL for 3D Printing
Hello, I am an artist living in NYC and like so many artists, I am fascinated by the human skull.
Long before Damian Hirst made his diamond encrusted skull, I made pilgrimages to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to look at the Holy-Grail of all skulls. The skull below was made in 17th century Germany and was carved from ivory. The softness and detail is extraordinary. More importantly, the surface is irregular. Its edges are imperfect, just as a real human skull would look after it is dug up from a grave. It is a masterpiece. It is anatomically perfect and it has an emotional gravity that is captivating. (Fortunately, ivory is banned but I also want to make a skull of my own, hence 3D printing.) Check it out here: [url=] 120023910?rpp=20&pg=1&ft=Ivory+skull&img=1#fulls creen[/url]
A bit futher down in quality from the perfect ivory carving at the Met are the porcelain skulls by Nymphenburg. I love the hand painted flowers and insects on them but, more importantly, I love the negative space in the jawbone, namely, the slightly opened mouth and missing teeth. As much as I love the Nymphenburg skulls, they are way too expensive and are a bit too pretty for me. They don't have the psychological weight that the ivory skull from the Met has.
What I would love to do is create my own ceramic human skull using 3D printing. I would like the skull to be around 4" in height and around 6" at its deepest diameter. I would like it to be anatomically perfect inside and out. No detail left out. I wonder if it is possible through 3D printing to match or even exceed the perfection of the ivory skull at the Met but also whittle away at the 3D model to a perfect imperfection. Ceramic would give the skull a visual richness and a heft that plastic does not have. Also, if a few skulls could be made, I could paint my own insect world on them.
Finally, I have included a Human Skull Anatomy Chart. It is quite exhaustive. I am sure a real human skull can be used to make the initial 3D model but any model would have to be as exacting as this chart. I would love to create a 3D skull that is indistingishable from a real human skull, only in mininature. I hope to get some interest from all of you.
This contest can be tough. It would require getting a real human skull and doing a 3D scan of it. Then, once it's scanned, the artistry of the designer would take over; such as paying attention to the postive and negative space in the design, the details, and the imperfections that happen over time with a real skull that has been buried. I hope you all can come through for me. Thanks.
MACK TITAN TRUCK 1/87 scale down
I need a CAD file for 3D printing conception of miniature model truck resin kit scale down to 1/87 scale,components must have parts for building model kit, cab ,driver seat,frame body and wheels.