Brick of Money
3D Modeling Design
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The goal of this project is to design a desk ornament that is a conversation piece.
There are 3 aspects to this product:
1: The foundation: A rectangle of solid metal. Should have an expensive high end look. A bar of silver is the only thing I can think of as an example foundation.
However, I am going for more of a brushed nickel look.
2: The casing that sits on top of the medal foundation. This casing is either made of glass or plastic and will be glued to the medal foundation.
3. $500 in one dollar bills will be inside the glass casing.
The attached image is not high end looking but should give you a basic idea of the kind of product we are looking to develop.
Metal foundation dimensions:Height: 1 Inch
Length: 6.5 Inches (estimated)
6.14 Inches is the length of US currency. The width of the foundation will need to be slightly longer to account for the thickness of the glass/plastic casing.
Depth: 3.5 Inches (estimated)
US currency is .0043 inches thick so 500 bills would equal 2.15 Inches. However, we need to account for currency straps every 100 bills as well as the thickness of the glass/plastic casing. There will be a one inch lip on the front of the medal foundation where a name or job title can be engraved.
Glass or plastic casing:
Length: 6.14Inches
Height: 2.61 inches
Width: 2.15 Inches
Don't Wants:
Please consider that this is a decorative item that will likely live in executive offices. The foundation is going to be solid metal and weigh around 4 LB. This product should look expensive but classy. Nothing cheap looking please.
- I do not know enough about the industry to be able to define what software should be used.
- Trimble SketchUp (Google)
- SolidWorks
- AutoCAD
1st Winner
#8 Desk Ornaments
by John Paulo
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#40 Desk Ornament
by Bail Suresh
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#48 Halph A. Grandt's brick of money
by DaBu
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#47 Executive Office Accesorie
by Joyce Linares
#46 Executive Office Accesorie
by Joyce Linares
#45 Cheesy Award
by Decker
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#44 Big Chief Award
by Decker
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#43 Brick of Money
by BumiGanesha
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#42 Brick of money Final
by John Paulo
#41 My First Try
by BumiGanesha
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by Fercas
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by 25ART
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#37 Glass fortress
by Batmario
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#36 Glass Bank
by Batmario
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#35 Money Box
by Sergiu.Nasta
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#34 Money Case 3
by ;lzsvpja-] bja]=
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#32 Brick of Money vol4
by Michael Dimou
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#50 dollar sign ornament money brick
by Jeremy Benjamin
#51 money brick
#52 Halph A. Grandt's brick of money
by DaBu
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#53 Brick of money
by SaketCad
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#54 Money Case Design
by ;lzsvpja-] bja]=
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#55 Brick of Money
by Indrawan
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#56 Brick of Money
by Joel K.
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#57 Brick of money
by SaketCad
#58 CNC engraved Money Case
by Sophon Designs
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#59 Classic cool
by Kalaiyarasan
#60 Brick of Money vol5
by Michael Dimou
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#61 Brick of money
#62 Money Brick Design
by R.I Masito
#63 Brick Of Money
#18 Brick of Money 1
by kriomant
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#2 Brick of Money_Artificalis
by Artificalis
#3 Brick of Money
by Aminegn
by 25ART
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#6 Money Case
by ;lzsvpja-] bja]=
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#7 Brick of Money
by Aminegn
#9 Money Case 1
by ;lzsvpja-] bja]=
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by 25ART
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#11 Revise Desk Ornaments
by John Paulo
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#12 Brick of Money V-Z
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#13 Brick of Money
by Aminegn
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#14 Money Case 2
by ;lzsvpja-] bja]=
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#15 500 BUCKS
by Adam
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#16 Brick of Money_Artificalis V2
by Artificalis
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#17 Desk Ornaments 2
by John Paulo
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#33 Brick of Money vol5
by Michael Dimou
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#19 500 BUCKS -v2
by Adam
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I like this idea. From a manufacturing standpoint this might be the best route. Can you show me some additional designs for the base?
hi josch
is there any particular size (thickness) decided for glass/plastic casing. if it is let me know,so that the deign could be more compact and as per your dimensions.
and what process are you going to use for manufacturing this metal foundation. Are you going to get it machined out of casting or will directly opt for casting?
is there any particular size (thickness) decided for glass/plastic casing. if it is let me know,so that the deign could be more compact and as per your dimensions.
and what process are you going to use for manufacturing this metal foundation. Are you going to get it machined out of casting or will directly opt for casting?
Just so everyone knows. The money should not be accessible. It is a decorative item that has no point of entry.
number 6 had the idea of sinking the casing into the foundation so the glue is hidden. Try that with yours. I really like the simplicity of your design.
Not crazy about the foundation. Maybe try something more simple like number 8 did but have it sunk in so that it is easily glue-able. The bar over the top is not what I am looking for.
I think the idea of sitting the casing inside the foundation is a great idea from a manufacturing standpoint. Could you provide some other options with the foundation? I need more space for name engraving.
Hi jochs,
Okay I will make the glass little thinner and remove bottom glass. You means the top foundation must be same size with the glass but extend on the front foundation? I will submit as soon as possible.
Okay I will make the glass little thinner and remove bottom glass. You means the top foundation must be same size with the glass but extend on the front foundation? I will submit as soon as possible.
Make the glass a little thinner
Take away the bottom glass so that the money sits directly on the medal foundation
Make the foundation flush to the casing on all sides but extend the front. I would like to see what it looks like to have the front of the foundation extended out a little because we are going to be engraving peoples names on the front of the foundation.
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