Orangedude, should be no need to extend the contest, I should have it done in time. I&;ve got a very very small footprint so far, but there&;s no spots for standard HDDs. As I understand it, that isn&;t a problem. I&;m working on detailing right now (screw holes, etc). I might be a last minute entry, but I think you&;ll be pleased with what I come up with.
Thanks Fergas. I agree yours and amigens are really good. Would it be possible to do the following?
- Have as little space or gaps as possible? Just enough for some air flow
- If needed, design a metal cage or support brackets or cages for the various parts so that they can be closer but not touching each other.
- Have as little space or gaps as possible? Just enough for some air flow
- If needed, design a metal cage or support brackets or cages for the various parts so that they can be closer but not touching each other.
@ orangedude do you have some feedbak?, as i can see my desing and the design of @ Aminegn are the only ones that seems to be what you are looking for (so far) but we need some feedback to adjust them if you need some thing more specific.
greetings and waiting for your feedback
greetings and waiting for your feedback
Working on it
Thanks Manuel, I&;m not looking for oil systems at this moment. I looked Puget systems and they look good.
Joel, understood. Do what you can. Some people already posted some very detailed manufactured quality designs. And this contest has been open for 30+ days. I can extend a little longer if needed.
Joel, understood. Do what you can. Some people already posted some very detailed manufactured quality designs. And this contest has been open for 30+ days. I can extend a little longer if needed.
Thanks. I should have a pretty compact concept for you by the end of the week, but detailed part drawings will take more time than is left in the contest. Also, you should realize that any design you receive is going to need to go through a number of design iterations before its actually ready for manufacture.
Sun, 16 Oct 2016 13:14:54 +0000
I understand that this is off topic, but.. Have you ever considered to make your system submerged in oil? You are looking for coolness, don´t you? Look at Puget systems and elswhere for some examples.
A Noctua Low-profile Quiet CPU Cooler for AMD Based Retail Cooling NH-L9A would be great!
Do you have a particular CPU cooler picked out?
Hi Joel, I Plan to use a m.2 onboard hdd.
I have a question about components. You only list (and most designs only include) the mobo, psu, and graphics card. What about hard drive(s) and optical drive? You can get away with no optical drive, but I&;m guessing you aren&;t planning on running this with USB HDD. If you want a functional case ready to fabricate, you should at least have room for 1 or 2 HDDs.
I plan to use this mobo GIGABYTE G1 Gaming GA-Z170N-Gaming 5 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128846). Please include renderings of a pci-e cables/extenders for the video card and mobo. A lot of the submissions don&;t seem structurally feasbile. They actually just look like boxes with the parts drawn in that won&;t physically work in real life. I&;ll decline those in a week if I don&;t see updated versions of those.
Fri, 07 Oct 2016 22:05:17 +0000
Do you have a specific Mother board in mind?
I just updated the requirements to not include a liquid cooler. Seems like adding a liquid cooler isn&;t optimal at this point. Can everyone here who has submitted remove the liquid cooler and make the case more compact?
Also for those who PM&;d me please enter your designs here. Please ensure there is a good enough view of the insides to show how much space is being used. Don&;t ask me to buy it before I even see what the insides look like and I have decided it&;s feasible to even send the design out to a machine shop to cut out. thanks!
Also for those who PM&;d me please enter your designs here. Please ensure there is a good enough view of the insides to show how much space is being used. Don&;t ask me to buy it before I even see what the insides look like and I have decided it&;s feasible to even send the design out to a machine shop to cut out. thanks!
Hi Fercas,
Yes, that is fine to submit as a concept first. In the end I&;d like to see a case design that can be sent to any machine shop to create the parts.
Also I expect there to be pci-e extenders!
Yes, that is fine to submit as a concept first. In the end I&;d like to see a case design that can be sent to any machine shop to create the parts.
Also I expect there to be pci-e extenders!
Hello, im currently working in my Entry. i have about the same distribution as the A4-SFX case but i have a question, it is valid to use of an FLEXIBLE PCI adapter to fit the GPU?. may be it will take me some more time because im working on a better and easy assebly system than the A4-SFX CASE whit some ergonomic Handlers for easy transportation . im guessing that if you really going a build it you will need all the detail. so i will submit my entrie as an advanced CONCEPT but probablly it will take me some more time for detail and drawings. You can guarantee it will be awesome because i would liketo build it for my self too.
greetings! F.C.
greetings! F.C.
What&;s the volume of that case? It seems like there is a lot of unused space. Also where is the cpu liquid cooler and radiator? ty
Can you edit it so that it shows renderings of the video card, psu, motherboard, and cpu cooler fitting into that case? Thanks.
Thanks for all the submissions. So far Eric Nelson&;s drawings are the best. He included renderings of the video card, psu, motherboard, cooler etc. The other cases seem too small to fit any of the components I&;ve mentioned so far.
Ahh, you guys are right! Ok, i&;ll update the description to a single 1080. Hey if there are enough entries I&;ll consider a second and third place prize! There will be followup work after this contest. thanks, Ed
Joel K.