Mini fan
Miniture cigarette fan that clips on.
Mini-ITX Computer Case
Hi Everyone!
This contest is for the smallest Mini-ITX computer case with the following requirements:
-Includes rendering of a mini-itx motherboard
-Includes rendering of two nvidia 1080 video card in sli configuration
-Enough room for liquid cooling on cpu and video cards including radiator fan(internal or external).
-Includes rendering of 800watt SFX-L PSU
Gridseed Scrypt ASIC Mining Frame - Acrylic Waterjet & CNC
Let's do something futuristic.
Cryptocurrency mining, heard of it? There's specialty computer hardware used to hash mathematical algorithms in a distributed network to generate digital money!
This project is to build a frame to sexily mount 10 of these specialty computers to in hopes of cleaning up some messy mining rigs out there.
Speaking of messy rigs, here's a video of some good and some bad examples of the Gridseed ASIC miners.
In the attached image TheDrawingBoard.jpg you'll see some ideas but I welcome your own input if you believe you've got something that equals win.
Ask questions, let's do this!
Ring Mouse Charging Dock
Inviting concept design for a charging cradle for a ring mouse. AirPoint mouse is a finger-wearable bluetooth ring mouse. A user can slide the finger across a surface to get mouse cursor movement. It can also be used as an air mouse by moving finger in space. After use, this device needs to be docked in a charging cradle to recharge the battery and also for safe storage. Seeking designs for a charging dock for this device.
See the attached picture and stp file for the reference dimension of the finger-wearable unit.
Note that the finger-wearable unit has a magnetic connector that attaches to a magnetic connector in the charging PCB board.
Futuristic Panic Button
- we'd like to design the most powerful panic button in the world
- It will be attached to a keychain / purse / phone and trigger a help response from your phone via bluetooth
- once pressed, a drone will be sent to you in under 5 minutes to help responders triage this situation
- we want to minimize accidental triggers while making it easy for someone who needs help to quickly get it.