Scooter, thank you for uploading the clean file,, as of now your Scope of work are confusing me,, what are your need or wants by this drawing as of now (Phase 1) ?
Akuma X - Not sure what your asking for? Can&;t you just save 2 copies of the future_CC, and delete the basement from one copy, then delete the 1st floor from the other saved copy? That is all I would/know how to do.
sadok - Stairs to basement TBD some in the new future design, as the current entrance stairway (not shown in current floor plan) will be demoed for expansion of foundation.
Todor - Ideally but would consider any. As I&;m more concerned with a solid floor layout. I can always redraw your proposed floor plan in to the chief architect at a later time.
Akuma X - Stairs to basement TBD, as current entrance stairway (not shown in current) will be demoed for expansion of foundation. Clear ceiling height is 95". Interior walls mostly likely be gypsum board double wall with paint. Not concerned with the electrical or plumbing at this point. More concerned with having a floor layout that I&;m happy with.
Would you confirm which of the following is your minimum acceptable requirement for final presentation of the entries:
1. Chief Architect 3D plan files ;
2. Chief Architect 2D plan files ;
3. Autocad 3D dwg files;
4. Autocad 2D dwg files;
5. jpg pictures files.
hi scooter,
can i ask where is the location of existing stairs access from basement to 1st floor? and what is the clear ceiling height? (finish floor level of the basement to bottom slab of 1st floor)
Insulated internal wall partition or you make same as existing 100mm gypsum board double wall with paint?
Will you consider PIPING Route? (Sanitary Drain / Water Supply) e.g termination or extending branch of old existing sewer line or supply water line.
Load calculation or additional circuit breaker/AMPS for your Main Distribution Panel (Power Supply)?
Hello sir; would you be able to send the files in a PDF format to me as well? Once I review them, I will naturally have a few other questions regarding specific functions for end use. I look forward to seeing what can be done with the space! Thank you
Gustavo, just looking for the 1, the final end game, design. To get there though the build will take place in 2 phases. Phase one (the master room/bath I&;m plan ing to start in 7 weeks. Hope that clears it up some. Thanks!