Animal HideawayBlind
Product Design
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Contest Ended, Winner(s) have been selected.
Choosing Finalist
I would like to design a more moden hideaway for guinea pig, hamsters, rabbit etc. I would like to keep still wood pine house since these animals will bite it up. I would like it to be more of a luxury look but still in the same sizing because most customers will buy a small starter cage to fit it in. I will post an example in the pictures of sizing of cage.Guinea Pigs have an issue pulling there food and water bowls in there hide aways and spill everything. I would like the food and water bowls to be attached to the house with a bowl holder where I can remove the bowls on and off to fill up. I would like the food and water bowl to be ceramic. A window can be made where the animal sticks there head out the window to the bowl drink and eat the food easily while inside there home.
Attached are pictures of a hideway would like it around that same size.
Food and water bowl would like it to be more that shape.
Animal Cage picture the hide away would have to fit in that cage size.
More moden luxury look. Sizing of dimensions of hideway attached as well.
Don't Wants:
A plastic hideaway
- 3d rendering
1st Winner
#33 Animal Hideaway 02
by rayenb
2nd Winner
#22 Animal hideaway
by STRAK_design
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#32 Custom Animal Hideaway Design
by Vimalgeorge10
Download Files
- Adobe Acrobat Pro — Animal Hideaway Drawing
- STEP/STP 3D Modeling — Animal Hideaway House Structure
- STEP/STP 3D Modeling — Animal Hideaway Cup or Bowl
- STEP/STP 3D Modeling — Animal Hideaway Bowl or Cup Holder
- IGES / IGS File Design — Animal Hideaway House Structure
- IGES / IGS File Design — Animal Hideaway Cup or Bowl
- IGES / IGS File Design — Animal Hideaway Bowl or Cup Holder
- Autodesk Fusion 360 2021 — Animal Hideaway 1.5
- Autodesk Fusion 360 2021 — Animal Hideaway 1.7
#43 Animal Hideaway 3 - KunstIng
by kunsting
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#23 G-pig hideaway
by CZdesgining
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#24 Animal Hideway
by Mariav
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#25 Animal Hideaway
by STRAK_design
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#26 G-pig hideaway
by CZdesgining
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#27 Animal Hideaway 01
by rayenb
#30 Modern Animal Hideout
by ahmadnazree
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#31 Animal hideaway
by Sisoje
#42 Animal Hideaway-3
by Vimalgeorge10
Download Files
- Autodesk Fusion 360 — Animal Hideaway 3.1
- Adobe Acrobat Pro — Animal Hideaway-3 House Structure Drawing
- Adobe Acrobat Pro — Animal Hideaway-3 Cup and Cup holder Drawing
- STEP/STP 3D Modeling — Animal Hideaway House Structure
- STEP/STP 3D Modeling — Animal Hideaway Bowl or Cup Holder
- STEP/STP 3D Modeling — Animal Hideaway Cup or Bowl
- Autodesk Fusion 360 — Animal Hideaway 1.20
- Autodesk Fusion 360 — Animal Hideaway 1.25
- Autodesk Fusion 360 — Animal Hideaway 1.13
- Autodesk Fusion 360 — Animal Hideaway 3.12
#1 Animal Hideaway
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#34 Animal Hideaway Concept Design-2
by Vimalgeorge10
Download Files
- STEP/STP 3D Modeling — Hideaway Structure
- STEP/STP 3D Modeling — Animal Hideaway Bowl or Cup Holder
- STEP/STP 3D Modeling — Animal Hideaway Cup or Bowl
- IGES / IGS File Design — Hideaway Structure
- IGES / IGS File Design — Animal Hideaway Bowl or Cup Holder
- IGES / IGS File Design — Animal Hideaway Cup or Bowl
- Autodesk Fusion 360 — Animal Hideaway 2.1
- Autodesk Fusion 360 — Animal Hideaway 2.7
- Autodesk Fusion 360 — Animal Hideaway 2.6
- Autodesk Fusion 360 — Animal Hideaway 2.4
- Autodesk Fusion 360 — Animal Hideaway 2.5
#35 Animial Hideaway 1 - KunstIng
by kunsting
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#36 Animal Hideaway 2 - KunstIng
by kunsting
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#37 Guinea Pig Hideaway
by Akash Jayanthan
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#38 Guinea pig hideaway
by CZdesgining
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#39 Guinea pig hideaway 2
by CZdesgining
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#40 Animal Hideaway 03
by rayenb
#41 Animal Hideaway 04
by rayenb
#11 Modern Pet_House
by denvers2
#2 Arabic Guinea Pig Hideaway
by Panji_F_Hakim
#3 Animal Hideaway
by Bhupinder Singh
#4 Concept 1
by studio701
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#5 Concept 1 updated
by studio701
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#7 Animal Hideaway
by STRAK_design
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#8 Animal hideaway
by Yuri_Des
#9 Wood decor variation
by Yuri_Des
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#10 Animal Hideway
by Mariav
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#21 Animal Hideaway
by STRAK_design
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#12 Animal Hideaway
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#13 Animal Hideaway
#14 Animal Hideaway
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#16 Animal Hideaway
by edward m barnes
#17 Wood Pine House
by Bazco
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#18 Animal Hideaway
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#19 g pig hideaway
by ishwar_g
#20 Animal Hideway
by Mariav
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Thank you so much this was a hard pick there was so many good choices. I will be posting a new contest soon.
2 days left. I&
;m looking for something more one level not 2. Remember it has to fit in a small cage and some of you are forgetting the water bowl and food bowl. I would like that be attached to the front or inside. If inside it would need a way for I can open it to get bowls out.

I want to make a note when doing the design. If you look at my g. pig starter kit picture that cage is the smallest customers usually buy. When putting the hideout in the cage its usually place at either end corner so having the water and the feeding bowl on the side of the house most likely won&
;t work to even fit in the cage or for the animal to walk on the side of it to drink or eat. If it was a big cage it be fine but we have to think of the design for the smallest cage as well since they are the most popular being sold.

on the pig holder what ID and OD on it
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