Big Blue Water Filtration CartridgeBlind

in Mechanical Engineering held by vladlukyanov
Contest Ended, The buyer is selecting the winner(s).
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We are looking for an alternative mechanism to the threaded design of the outer blue shell of cartridges for a big blue water filtration system. In other words, a simpler, leakproof way of attaching the big blue outer cartridge shell to the system (image of the system is attached) that would be smaller or the same size as the threaded mechanism.

Would not be opposed to a completely different and novel approach of attaching casings to the system as well (for example changing the outer cartridge shapes or having some sort of slide mechanism of attachment). The goal is to make it better for the user than what it is now
The mechanism will be evaluated on:

Ease of use in comparison to the threaded design of the current system
Cost (should not be expensive to produce - 10/20% price increase in comparison to the threaded design)
Size - should be smaller or at least the same size as the current set up. Ideally with the new mechanism the gaps between filters can be decreased.
Don't Wants:
The goal is to make it better than what it currently is while keeping in mind the evaluation criteria


= Buyer's Rating
#32 Bayonet Locking System by aslams
#30 The Lock Mechanism by ecco ww
#29 Improvement to Entry #27 by ahmadnazree
Hidden design
#28 Sistema de Broche a Presiòn by RAFA-08
#27 Cartridge Redesign by ahmadnazree
Hidden design
#26 Locking Mech for BB Water Filtration Cartridge by Inerapello
#25 extdbl ctrdg by borndesigner
Hidden design
#24 Design of new assembly method by Mechatorum_Kacper_Łaszcz
Hidden design
#23 Water Cartridge Locking Concept by MS_Vamshi
#21 Big Blue Water Filtration Cartridge by sanketgopale
#20 Big Blue Water Filtration Cartridge by CadCrowdUser1
#19 Big Blue Water Filtration Cartridge by seekeradminkristear
Hidden design
#18 Big Blue Water Filtration Cartridge by HawT3D
#17 Big Blue Water Filtration Cartridge by sherifelsheikh
#16 alternative to thread mechanism by clintsar
#15 Filter Catridge by purnak
Hidden design
#14 Lock SquishFit Twisting Force by shubhankart
#11 Design to apply to water filtering device by alejandrom4
#10 For detail by Manp
Hidden design
#8 Big Blue Water Filtration Cartridge Improvement by Manp
#7 Big Blue Water Filtrationbayonet lock by Steliosz
Hidden design
#5 Proposed alternative of threaded design. by lotifulbariniloy
#4 Big Blue Water Filtration Cartridge by CUONGVANDUYNGUYEN
#2 Filter by alejandrom4
Hidden design
#1 Big Blue Water Filtration Cartridge New Version by CUONGVANDUYNGUYEN




Fri, 21 Feb 2025 01:09:57 +0000
Por favor puedes evaluar nuestro diseño ?
Sun, 16 Feb 2025 15:18:33 +0000
Can you evaluate our design?



Tue, 04 Feb 2025 10:13:19 +0000
Hello, you can get more good ideas if we can get your rating
Mon, 27 Jan 2025 17:36:35 +0000



Mon, 27 Jan 2025 11:59:10 +0000
Hello, please rate my design 6, and advise for any changes to enhance



Sun, 26 Jan 2025 01:35:30 +0000

Standard threads require a tool for the casing to be taken off, plus it takes sometime put back on and twist.



Fri, 24 Jan 2025 17:53:00 +0000
Can you share what are some problems you face with the standard threaded fitting system



Fri, 24 Jan 2025 01:50:46 +0000

23.04 inches in height and 7.38 inches in diameter.
Thu, 23 Jan 2025 13:25:52 +0000

What are the dimensions and thread dimension of the big blue outer cartridge shell? Not the filter.




Wed, 22 Jan 2025 20:10:22 +0000
Height, diameter of the filter that the blue cartridge is covering/packing:
Outer height is 49.5 cm, with a bump height around 11.5 mm
Ordermost diameter is 120 mm on the lid

Inner diameter inner height:
Cartridge inner height 48.3 cm
Cartridge inner diameter around 110 mm
Weight: about 1.8 kg
Current thread size:
about 4 cm for total thread height

@alexz5, feel free to submit your ideas.
Wed, 22 Jan 2025 18:27:03 +0000
Hi ! mayby, I have very god solution for Your problem.



Wed, 22 Jan 2025 02:16:14 +0000
Can you share some dimensions? I.e. height, diameter of the filter that the blue cartridge is covering/packing. Inner diameter inner height. Current thread size and current design weight?

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