Dual-Directional Locking mechanism for precision motion control
--Short Summary--
Design and model an addition of a secondary dual-directional locking mechanism for maintaining a platform’s slope angle in an event of a high spike/impact load of a minimum 40Nm in a miniature space. (Length: 90mm, Width: 33mm, Height 40mm).
--Detailed Description--
The goal of this design is to maintain a platform at a user-defined slope angle given random and frequent scheduled loads/disturbances. The current design includes a worm gear set to provide some degree of holding torque (for example 2Nm) which is sufficient for loads such as a person standing on one end of the platform. However, in cases of high impact load such as a person jumping on the tip of the platform, a secondary mechanical locking mechanism (both directions) is required to prevent the platform from moving. Note that the space constraint will likely be the main challenge for this project.
The task is to add the mechanism to the existing model while staying within the given space (box). The strict dimensions of the enclosure box including the current BOM items are:
-Length: 90mm
-Width: 33mm
-Height 40mm
We currently have a working version that uses a secondary motor to engage and disengage a custom dog-clutch-like mechanism. However, due to the high added cost and space, we would like to further explore a purely mechanical design. That being said, we are open to ideas that use minimal power (100-200mA at 5V or 50-100mA at 12V), are very compact and reliable, and are cost efficient.
Please note that the user in our experiment will frequently signal the platform, that will signal the motor to precisely change the platform’s slope angle. Therefore, the dual-directional locking mechanism should not interfere with the motor’s operation when there isn’t an overload. This means the mechanism should either:
1) Stay disengaged on idle mode and only engage when a load higher than ~2Nm is experienced/detected
2) Stay engaged on idle mode and immediately (i.e. milliseconds) disengage when the motor starts rotating
Other innovative ideas that would achieve the goal are more than welcome.
Feel free to add components such as gears, clutches, shafts, linkages, torque limiters, brakes, springs, pawl sets, etc., or other parts/mechanism that you see fit while staying within the enclosure space and minimizing cost. You may also add features (extrude, cut, etc.) to the interior of the enclosure box and make reasonable modifications to the existing shafts and gears (e.g. remove the hub from the gear if you have to).
Preference will be given to off-the-shelf torque rated components that are compiled with other parts to achieve the dual-directional locking, rather than multiple complex custom-made parts.
Please provide a 3D model of your concept with an explanation of how the design functions to meet the project’s goal. Also, include the names of the additional components used in the model.
SolidWorks is preferred but it is okay to use another software given a clear presentation of the concept.
Mechanical interactions for modern day console joystick
I'm in need of a skilled mechanical professional to assist with the physical creation of a prototype.
The end result can be crude (as crude as a wire on a pulley or wheel, some gears, 3d printed ... so long as its functional.
I want to mechanically interact with a hand held joystick controller from a modern day gaming console (PS5,) Where you finger would pull the right trigger, I'd want to be able to use a 1/4 hand throttle to actuate the trigger, where you left finger would pull the trigger I want to be able to use a brake level ( bicycle/ motorcycle style), and where you left thumb would move the joystick controller- I' want a left /right leaning motion of a motorcycle to do that - I have an old arcade with a sit on motorcycle (that has a brake throttle and it leans left and right, and I would like to manually connect it to a modern day console controller so my movements and action on the arcade motorcycle - (twisting the throtle, pulling the brake or leaning left or right sends the physical equivalent inputs to a PS% controller. It does not have to anything fancy AI or robotic simple wires or 3d printed gizmos are fine.
If you have a creative mind and a knack for problem-solving, I would love to hear from you.
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