Barbell Collar new design for different type of useBlind

in CAD Design held by levanr
Contest Ended, Winner(s) have been selected.
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  • Choosing Finalist
  • Ended
STUDY EVERYTHING FIRST: The collar must be designed to attach securely to the gripping area of an Olympic barbell, which has a 28mm diameter. Unlike standard collars, it requires a significantly smaller inner diameter and is fully opening to get attached.

The collar must remain firmly in place even under strong lateral force.

It should feature four holes, identical in size and positioning to those in the provided example.

Simplicity is important.

a) You can either create mechanical closing system as in the example or
b) Create a system where collar gets stuck when moving in one direction and frees when moved to opposite

All previous versions can be found in the attached file:
The functionality outlined in the description must be achieved. If two or more CAD designs meet the requirements, the winner will be selected based on the simplest and most visually appealing design, ease of manufacturing, and efficient use of investment.
Don't Wants:
Collar that does not have same functionality as i explain
Ask for Sample:
Cad design


= Buyer's Rating
1st Winner
#14 Barbell concept design 1 revision 5 by joshuajaiyeola
#2 Clips design by marcj_jfx
#7 ffprvtcbarbellcollar by RX
#3 Rolling Gripz barbell collar by cadworker247
#1 Rolling Gripz barbell collar by cadworker247
#5 Initial Design by BNR_Designs
#23 SafeStress by humayun
#22 barbell collar by sanketgopale
#19 BARBELL 2.0 by Design_InGenesis
#17 Child's Grow and Go Desk by paigek1
#15 Smart Barbell Collar by alexc6
#13 Barbell concept design 1 revision 4 by joshuajaiyeola
#9 Barbell collar by clintsar




Fri, 07 Feb 2025 06:41:27 +0000
pls have a look at my above design . I hope you will like it.
entry num :
Tue, 04 Feb 2025 09:52:39 +0000
Can you elaborate what you dont like about the file collar.file.step? It seems pretty decent? I know you mentioned that the current opening mechanism is not visually appealing? what does that mean? what would you like to change in that?

also can you please make this blind?



Sun, 02 Feb 2025 09:22:57 +0000
Blind please
Sat, 01 Feb 2025 21:11:46 +0000
i can draw it by one day on autocad

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