ClogAlert Sensor
We need to design a system that will place the sensor in the pipe in the direction of waste flow;
Transmit from the sensor unit by WiFi, BLE, or Zigbee.
Fire the sensor every hour or so - blockages usually build up over long periods of time
Send readings back to the server for processing
On setup, the pipe should be free of any blockages.
Analyze the reading over a couple of weeks to build a nominal response for this pipe assembly.
Compare later readings against the nominal response, if the readings are different and getting more different (the blockage is backing up more) then notify that there is a blockage.
CAD Concept for Bracelet Prototype Design is a GPS bracelet that should be designed for kids (ages 3-10).
The main use-case for the bracelet will be during a family visit to amusement parks / Shopping Malls etc.
Key features
1) Electronic's dimensions: 30X35X10mm
2) Child proof lock mechanism
3) Standard Micro USB input (hidden on the side)
4) Screen/watch is optional
5) Only 1 "Answer/Call" button
6) Slick design !!! (no cheap plastics please)
7) QR code embedded on the bracelet (on the outer layer)
8) GSM slot (similar concept to the iPhone Sim card + eject option)
Grid tie Inverter
Single line diagram showing connectivity of grid tie inverter to solar panels
Pre-UL 3 Pump Electrical Schematic & Wire Run for PAWS
***Review sample request below. This contest is complete once UL approves and issues certification. Bonus of $500 to winning design to obtain UL will be awarded***
***To complete submittal of project, email files to before deadline***
***Payment guaranteed by and through CSG, LLC and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation***
This is for a new system being designed for PAWS for use in new tanks for rescued and rehabilitated penguins and seals.
This is a level control pump system, with 2 3HP 230V pumps and a single 230V pump. A level sensor sends a 4-20 mA signal to a Level Control with both N/O and N/C relays. 120 V Power to a 24VDC power supply is switched (ON/Off) allowing the coils for the contactors to close and the pumps can start if the level Control relay sees the level as OK.At low level a 24VDC signal tells a 5W valve to open, filling the tank to "Full". At low/low the pumps shut down and only restart if the level returns to "full" Flow line LC-52, Flow line DL-14 level sensor, I have a rough panel layout and welcome input on contactor and breaker size and Type (C?) as if power fails everything stops - and on power return it all starts at once drawing a lot of Amps for a short time.
Need wire run diagram and fill color schematic
Wallclock's Design in CAD with AutoCAD Software
A modern shape wallclock design is required with details of every part and component invloved. The step by step manufacturing pictures of all components and then assembling process. Attached is the design of clock.