Suggestions for improving the Cad Crowd community

56 Replies | 24,010 Views
MacKenzie Brown
The goal of this thread is to get feedback and insights on how to improve the Cad Crowd community. Feel free to upvote and ideas that you agree with or find particularly helpful. 
Hello everybody!
I was thinking many times how nice it would be if the attachments in a contest could all be downloaded in one click (perhaps in a .rar, .zip archive) instead of getting them one by one. 
Any thoughts ?
Another idea :) 

When submitting a design, near the add screenshot button, it would be great to have 2 check boxes :
- one that says ..."blur screenshot for competition until contest is over", or pixelate :D
- another that says  "add to portfolio when contest is over".

I am also going with peter's Idea that attachments could also downloaded in one click.
One Idea is users can download other user's attachments only with permission of owners.
i think file exchange should be made only between buyer and designer, and only with files designed for that certain contest, files MADE by the designer.
PETER LAKATOS wrote:Hello everybody!
I was thinking many times how nice it would be if the attachments in a contest could all be downloaded in one click (perhaps in a .rar, .zip archive) instead of getting them one by one. 
Any thoughts ?
Good idea, we'll add it to the "to do" list.
Hi Alexy,
Thank you for having said ;)

Adding script to the website that allows the buiyer to view uploaded files in 3d would be great.

I get a lot of buyers asking for links to freeware that can open STEP or IGES files.

If the buyer had a choice to view the model in 3d right on this website, they would be happy campers.
Website is very good ,simple and easy to understand it has little cartoon feel , and i liked that. i just want
Description to be downloaded in one shot including all the attachments.
MacKenzie Brown
vinya wrote:Website is very good ,simple and easy to understand it has little cartoon feel , and i liked that. i just want
Description to be downloaded in one shot including all the attachments.
Thanks for the positive feedback and suggestions Vinya. I spoke with our programmer about this and it seems that we can't make it an option with our current hosting company (AWS - Amazon Web Services). If we're hosting on our own servers, we may definitely do this down the road.
MacKenzie Brown
Adam wrote:Adding script to the website that allows the buiyer to view uploaded files in 3d would be great.

I get a lot of buyers asking for links to freeware that can open STEP or IGES files.

If the buyer had a choice to view the model in 3d right on this website, they would be happy campers.
Hi Adam,

Are you familiar with any of the 3D/viewer scripts on the market used by other sites. We've considered scripts for 3D viewing like this one, especially before we sold our Maker6 3D printing marketplace in 2014.

What we found is that the 3D viewers would crash a user browser/PC unless the user's PC was very fast or the design optimized for a 3D viewer. Sketchfab is an example of a great viewed, but they built theirs from the ground up and the 3D designs still need to be optimized for their viewer.
Hi All,
this is a very good idea but beware !!!!
**** Cadcrowd lose its identity and look to other website
Albertus Putra
Hi there,

Would it be nice if CAD-Crowd team fix description column box for submit design area?
It seems that it can't show the line breaks (<br>),
It will be easier to read if there has any line breaks, so the buyer will not read an entire paragraph without any line breaks 
MacKenzie Brown
Hey Albertus, I've asked our developer to check into the line break/paragraph spacing for submitting designs. Thanks for the suggestion :)
Jinen Sheth
Please add multiple screenshot option while uploading entries for contest.
Hello. As a designer/contestant I believe there should be more scrutiny of the contests being created, both in the value of the prizes being offered as well as the payment systems. Having a contests page where the big majority are unverified payments or unbelievably low prizes per amount of work needed will just turn away people who actually saw this site as something different from the traditional freelancing sites where people just want as much free work as possible. I believe in free choice and if you want to spend a week or more working on something for 80 bucks or less that's fine, but overall, in my humble opinion, it just pushes the good designers to go look somewhere else.

Also, I think the contests by default should be in "blind" mode. There were several contests so far where people just wait for another person to submit an entry that gets a good review by the contest creator, to blatantly copy it and just tweak it, after the lion share of the work has been done by the first submitter. 

Just my two cents. Cheers!
I would have to say eliminate the Payment Pending and make sure that no contest goes online without payment up front.
sldraftingdesign wrote:I would have to say eliminate the Payment Pending and make sure that no contest goes online without payment up front.
Hi there,

We will take this into consideration. We'll let you know if we'll implement this over the next months.

Lucian wrote:
sldraftingdesign wrote:I would have to say eliminate the Payment Pending and make sure that no contest goes online without payment up front.
Hi there,

We will take this into consideration. We'll let you know if we'll implement this over the next months.


Thanks Lucian! 

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