How to Earn?

5 Replies | 6,519 Views
I have just joined CAD Crowd today.  I found this site over the weekend and it looked like an interesting community to join with a lot of potential opportunity for more specific work and more earning potential.  I am currently a member of another Freelance community and that system works where I submit a resume / application for a specific job before I perform any design work.  That community is more general so there aren't as many opportunities for CAD Design work, and the companies usually do not want to pay much for what they are asking for.  

From my understanding thus far of this system, the Only way for me to potentially earn anything is to invest time into projects for the posted Contests, and even then, there is no guarantee that I will earn anything.  There is no way for me to submit an application to an individual company for hourly work or an individual project.  Is that correct?  Or am I misunderstanding and the Contest winner receives a percentage of the total prize, and that is a sliding scale down for the top 5 designs?  

Thanks for the additional information.
jagadeesh yl
me too fresher bro
Welcome guys!

  Well, though participating in contests maybe the main way to get paid, there are still other possibilities. Based on your portfolio, submitted designs, ranking position, experience, bio etc., a buyer may hand-pick you to undertake his/her project in the form of an invite-only contest. As far as I understand, CadCrowd may also recommend specific designers to answer buyer's specific needs (though I'm not quite sure about this). There is an option, when creating your profile, to add your desired hourly payment for such purposes.

  As far as contests, in a few words, things work like this: The Buyer posts a contest with one or more prizes, Designers participate by submitting their designs, Buyer rates and picks the best designs. The numbers of winners is depended on the number of prizes issued by the Buyer, e.g. if Buyer issues three prizes (1st, 2nd and 3rd), he/she will select three entries in his/her order of preference. Those will be the ones paid the full amount of each corresponding prize. The rest, earn points for participating or being nominated as "finalist", which moves them up in ranking.

  Of course there are much more details, but these are the basics, in my opinion. For more info you can check CadCrowd support:
  Hope this helps!
Prashant C
HI i am new joiner to the community
Please can you guide me how i can get the projects?
I am from automobile product design field 
Welcome Prashant C!
The main idea is that most projects are published in the form of a contest, the buyer states his requirements, time frame, prefered software, prizes and then the Designers submit their designs trying to meet Buyer's needs as best as possible. Top designs, as chosen by the Buyer, win the prize(s). For more details you can check my previous post above or visit CadCrowd support: "". Hope that helps a bit!
Prashant C

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