7 Replies | 7,024 Views
Omar Farouk
CAD is fun for me at least, the most creative thing is to have an idea then you think of how to function this idea into its place then you imagine the idea and draw it with a rough sketch then draw it again with better sketch and then you transform it into CAD after that you manufacture it and touch your product with your hand, it feels amazing when you go back and say, that was literally nothing then i had this idea and i'm now holding my creation, it's like holding your baby for the first time after birth and that is the most satisfying thing in mechanical engineering design, so this topic is just for fun, to every designer, tell us what's your story with design? what does designing a product mean for you? and how far do you wanna get in the design world? 
Have fun
Be creative
Hello Omar,  You said it all very well, I know the feeling of working to get a design into reality.  Meanwhile, do you use Ashlar Cobalt?  I have a problem cutting complex curves in a solid form, and need guidance.
Sonali Disoza

Many such passionate and creative individuals have made this as their professionals. We usually approach architectures and interiors,
discuss and share all the possible ideas and give it in a virtual form (2D or 3D). This helps them to present their ideas to their clients.

Thanks & Regards   
 CAD Service
Cad can be fun if one is creative and interested about creating new things on your own. Once you know how to handle the software it will be easy to build models.
Ratinder Kaur
Correctness & accuracy emphasize CAD drafting & designing services, supported by CAD experts. CAD can be fun when the CAD drafters and designers extensively understand design and architecture and can produce, interpret, and make the right plan for CAD drawings as per client requirements.

CAD Drafting Services comprise of CAD Digitization & Conversion, CAD Construction Drawings as well as Architectural Drafting.
Before going into design, i am worked as an artist. I remember my first real-world design - huge gypsum board structure in  style of Zaha Hadid. An incredible feeling, but soon you get used to it. CAD it's just a tool, you need something more to be able to see another side of nature similar to Theo Jansen or Ross Lovegrove.
I agree with the opinion that good knowledge of software makes your work fun and inspiring. Otherwise... Well, to say the least, it's hard.)
I'm still working as a CAD trainer, which is one of the most enjoyable things I have done. I’ve always enjoyed the technical side of design. I’m kind of obsessed with grids. Vector drawing with Illustrator was always my favorite part of graphic design.
It is also good to mention the CAD takes some time to learn, however, if you stick with it, you will be wowing your friends with your own Design.

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