Payment Metod other than PayPal.

4 Replies | 4,771 Views
Daniel Markiewicz
Can I use other payment method than PayPal ( it's not safe and I had money stolen by customers, they reported unauthorised transaction and claimed money back from PayPal, when they have got digital products delivered, I have left with negative balance, and have been banned by PayPal, when I reported this robbery at police station, they don't want to qualify it as a crime, PayPal answer is always the same, they  don't cover digital products...) ?
Hi Daniel,

Unfortunately PayPal is the only payment option available for the time being. We will try over the next months or next year to implement another method, but we don't know for sure when it will be ready.

Pablo Gosso
Hi Lucian, did you try contacting people from payoneer? As a freelancer I have been using it for the last 10 years and I never had any trouble with them.
Hi Pablo,

We have used Payoneer just one time, for a designer where PayPal is not allowed in his country. But this was just an exception, since was a special case.

Adding another payment option is on our 'to-do" list for this year, if we will find a good solution for everyone.

The payment process doesn't imply any direct transactions between customer and buyer, all the payments go through Cad Crowd and designers have nothing to worry about.

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