On the job training / Mentorship

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I work at a mid-level land development company as the CAD drafter. In fact, I'm the only drafter in the company. I draft both civil drawings as well as architectural drawings. But with only 6 months of work experience and less than a year of schooling, I find myself reaching out to "YouTube" and "in Learning" to gain additional education. What I'm missing is that one-on-one mentorship while I'm gaining traction as a CAD drafter. I want to do things correctly, however, without a senior drafter in house, I'm afraid that I'm missing out on vital information / guidance. Don't get me wrong, I love working here as a CAD drafter, I'm getting exposure to not only architecture, but civil and land development as well. I'm just missing that "traditional" on-the-job training. So, my question (after this long rant) is, how can I find this type of connection? Aside from school and other areas of education, is there online mentorship? What are my options?
Did you ever find that mentor? I'm available if needed. I'm a firm believer in apprenticeship.

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