Payment report dashboard

Your reports dashboard is a simple way to monitor the billable hours for hourly contracts and escrow payments. The dashboard also gives you insights into your team’s work activities.

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Types of reports

Types of dashboard payment reports on Cad Crowd:

Type of reportAbout
Weekly billing reportYour weekly billing report dashboard summarizes expenses for hourly contracts and escrow payments for fixed-rate jobs.
Weekly email billing reportYour weekly billing email summarizes highlights payments for hourly jobs and fixed-rate contracts.
Transaction historyA history of your payments on the Cad Crowd platform that is downloadable in a variety of formats for your accounting and taxes(.csv/.pdf).
Timesheets by expertsThe expert timesheets show a breakdown of weekly payments and work activity descriptions.

How to view your payment reports

You can use the billing reports dashboard, weekly email, and Work Journal timesheets to stay up-to-date on your contracts. Remember that speaking regularly with your experts is the most important way to measure the progress of your jobs.

Tips for reports:

  • Visit your transactions page and payment report dashboard to view the history of your job contracts.
  • Most payment reports require an open job contract to display correctly.
  • The payment report dashboard may take an hour to update manual time entries and hourly timesheets for your job contracts.
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