If you can no longer see a contest, it may have disappeared for one of the following reasons:
- Violates community guidelines: We will lock contests if they violate our community guidelines or involve work not offered through contests (i.e., patent filing, manufacturing, etc.).
- Client cancelation: A client may cancel a new contest post in 24 hours with a cancelation fee. Cancelation is usually due to an inaccurate description, incomplete design information, or the client’s indecision about the design.
- Ended early: A contest ended early, a winner was chosen, and the client asked to switch the contest to invite only (only visible to designers with entries).
- Payment fraud: A client has made a suspicious payment, and our payment processor flagged the credit card as potentially stolen/invalid.
- Payment pending: If a client is running a payment pending contest and has not logged in for several days, we may contact the client for a status update. If there is no response from the client, we may close the contest if it looks abandoned (reduces unnecessary designer work).
Locked contest (coming soon):
- Soon, we’ll add a locked contest feature to show an inactive contest, rather than deactivating the contest page entirely. This means you’ll still be able to view the contest details on a locked page, along with any updates about the contest status from the support team (i.e., notes on why the contest was canceled, etc.).
Note: We try our best to keep any designers who have submitted to a contest in the loop with why a contest closed early. Please contact us if you’re unsure why a contest closed early and we’ll add a post to the forum’s contest area to explain the closure.