How do reputation points work and how can I earn them?

Reputation points for the leaderboard are calculated using the following criteria:

Contest points

  • 1st place: 50 points
  • 2nd place: 40 points
  • 3rd place: 30 points
  • 4th place: 30 points
  • 5th place: 30 points
  • Nominated (finalist): 20 points
  • Participated: 5 points
  • Earlybird: 5 points (entry in first 48 hours)

Other points

  • 1-to-1 projects: 50 points (per project)
  • Complete profile: 5 points
  • 3D model or portfolio upload: 5 points (max 5)
  • 3D model or portfolio featured: 20 points
  • 3D model or portfolio like: 1 point
  • Profile follower: 1 point
  • Forum post: 1 point
  • Forum vote: +1 / -1 point
  • Bonus points: awarded as bonuses

General notes

All of the entries are ranked at the end of the contest by the client. Aside from winning the prize, the highest-ranked designer also receives 50 points added to their ranking. Second place gets 40 points, third place gets 30 points. Designers who enter a CAD design within 48 hours will also get a 5 point “Earlybird” bonus. Your overall ranking is based on the total of the points you receive for all your entries and is calculated once per day.

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