I’m having problems uploading my design entry. What should I do?

The problem may be caused by one of the following issues:

  • File size limit: Maximum file size is currently limited to 128MB for uploads
  • Image file: The image file type/extension for the design image screenshot should be PNG or JPG.
  • Minimum size: 960 x 960px minimum image size
  • Maximum size: 2040 x 8160px maximum image size

If you still have issues, you can try the following:

  • Clear cache: Try clearing the cache for your web browser.
  • Internet connection: Check that your network connection is active.
  • Different browser: Try using a different web browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Explorer, Microsoft Edge – see the list of alternative web browsers.
  • Computer: Try submitting your design entry using a different computer or mobile device.

🛰 If you’ve taken the steps above and are still unable to submit your design, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help you out (include screenshots of the issue if possible).

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