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Sanjay_soni $6/hr

Sanjay S.

Altair HyperCrash Designer

  • Mechanical Design
  • Mechanical Drafting
  • CAD Design
  • Mechanical Assemblies
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • AutoCAD
  • SolidWorks
  • PTC Creo Parametric

Last updated: Mar 10, 2025

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The Boston Consulting

FAQ for Hiring

When designing cars and other types of vehicles, safety is perhaps the most important aspect to consider. If your customers are not safe in their cars, then all of the accessories, add-ons and nice interiors do not matter. Crash testing is one way to test and see what would happen in the event of a crash. With Altair HyperCrash, you can simulate a crash scenario that will let you model how the car would respond in that situation. In the past, a lot of the crash analysis would be expensive and tested or contracted out physically. With HyperCrash, the HyperCrash freelancers at Cad Crowd can simulate it for you in a three dimensional way to reflect testing done in the real world.

HyperCrash offers a user interface that is tailored to unique editing, creation and the setup of different safety and crash models. The interface has a low learning curve and helps to eliminate errors that are commonly made in these situations with its solver model that is powerful and accurate. It is also database driven and is able to pre-process multi-elements crash models in a number of different manners. Things like de-penetration, model checking and mass calculation can be done in a swift and easy manner. There are safety tools in place such as dummy positioning and seat belt routing, as well as seat deformation. The entire setup is able to be done in HyperCrash in order to improve upon the efficiency of the testing and to reduce the risk of error as well.

HyperCrash also can look at the quality of a model by performing hundreds of unique checks on the model level, component and element checks. The model also gives you the chance to execute a number of checks of the range from just a single element check to the input deck's modeling errors. It also lets you clean up and simplify the model while checking the connectivity to unconnected parts as well as assessing failed welds and connections. It can automatically fix any intersections or penetrations as well.

Mesh editing is another feature that will allow one or multiple parts to be modified with ease. You can publish it with a single click and get it oriented into the new program right away. There are safety tools that will help you create a crash analysis. These include a unique seat deformer, a seat belt routing module, an airbag toolset for making folding airbags and the positioning of the dummy, both in an interactive way and a way that allows you to save the dummy.

At Cad Crowd, we offer you a way to connect with the best of the best HyperCrash freelancers. Each of these freelancers has been proven to be capable of handing the job with ease and is sure to complete your project both on time and within budget. You can browse profiles or let Cad Crowd pair you up today. Contact Cad Crowd for a free price estimation today.

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