Design of Coffee Size Grader / Classifier Ended

About the job

We are seeking detailed workshop diagrams for a green coffee-size grader. The grader has three layers, each incorporating sieve boxes with rubber balls to prevent clogging.

-Create comprehensive workshop diagrams for the green coffee size grader, illustrating the three-layered structure.
-Clearly depict the placement and design of the sieve boxes, including incorporating rubber balls to ensure effective clog prevention.
-Provide precise measurements and specifications of the grader components to facilitate accurate manufacturing.

-Proficiency in drafting and creating technical diagrams.
-Strong understanding of mechanical systems and equipment.
Attention to detail and ability to accurately represent the grader's construction and components.

-Preference will be a person with an existing design and willing to license the design because I only seek to make one piece for personal use.
We are seeking detailed workshop diagrams for a green coffee-size grader. The grader has three layers, each incorporating sieve boxes with rubber balls to prevent clogging.

-Create comprehensive workshop diagrams for the green coffee size grader, illustrating the three-layered structure.
-Clearly depict the placement and design of the sieve boxes, including incorporating rubber balls to ensure effective clog prevention.
-Provide precise measurements and specifications of the grader components to facilitate accurate manufacturing.

-Proficiency in drafting and creating technical diagrams.
-Strong understanding of mechanical systems and equipment.
Attention to detail and ability to accurately represent the grader's construction and components.

-Preference will be a person with an existing design and willing to license the design because I only seek to make one piece for personal use.
We are seeking detailed workshop diagrams for a green coffee-size grader. The grader has three layers, each incorporating sieve boxes with rubber balls to prevent clogging.

-Create comprehensive workshop diagrams for the green coffee size grader, illustrating the three-layered structure.
-Clearly depict the placement and design of the sieve boxes, including incorporating rubber... read more
We are seeking detailed workshop diagrams for a green coffee-size grader. The grader has three layers, each incorporating sieve boxes with rubber balls to prevent clogging.

-Create comprehensive workshop diagrams for the green coffee size grader, illustrating the three-layered structure.
-Clearly depict the placement and design of the sieve boxes, including incorporating rubber balls to ensure effective clog prevention.
-Provide precise measurements and specifications of the grader components to facilitate accurate manufacturing.

-Proficiency in drafting and creating technical diagrams.
-Strong understanding of mechanical systems and equipment.
Attention to detail and ability to accurately represent the grader's construction and components.

-Preference will be a person with an existing design and willing to license the design because I only seek to make one piece for personal use. read less

Things to know

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Job skill level


Skill Level

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Job type


Job type

Job length

Under 1-month

Job duration

Areas of expertise

Machine Design Machine Drawings

Job categories

Manufacturing Drawings Mechanical CAD Design Mechanical Drawing Services

About the client

Payment not ready

Uganda (02:30 am)



Job activity

14 Applicants

0 interviews in progress

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