Design Engineer Ended

About the job

Designation: Design Engineer (can be discussed)

Job Accountabilities:

1. Assist in new product development activities.
2. Prepare designs as advised by the senior
3. Preparation and checking of BOM.
4. Assist production team till trial.
5. Checking the output from juniors
6. Maintain the soft and hard copies of relevant records viz. design and related documents of all projects.
7. Assisting the reporting manager for team training and development.
8. Any other duties assigned from time to time.

Personal Skills:

Ability to handle pressure
To be able to comprehend instructions
Educational skills – Any graduate in diploma in design from reputed plastic institute.
Should be able to perform mould design and product design
Should possess strong knowledge in Solid works software
Designation: Design Engineer (can be discussed)

Job Accountabilities:

1. Assist in new product development activities.
2. Prepare designs as advised by the senior
3. Preparation and checking of BOM.
4. Assist production team till trial.
5. Checking the output from juniors
6. Maintain the soft and hard copies of relevant records viz. design and related documents of all projects.
7. Assisting the reporting manager for team training and development.
8. Any other duties assigned from time to time.

Personal Skills:

Ability to handle pressure
To be able to comprehend instructions
Educational skills – Any graduate in diploma in design from reputed plastic institute.
Should be able to perform mould design and product design
Should possess strong knowledge in Solid works software
Designation: Design Engineer (can be discussed)

Job Accountabilities:

1. Assist in new product development activities.
2. Prepare designs as advised by the senior
3. Preparation and checking of BOM.
4. Assist production team till trial.
5. Checking the output from juniors
6. Maintain the soft and hard copies of relevant records viz. design and related documents of all projects.
7. Assi... read more
Designation: Design Engineer (can be discussed)

Job Accountabilities:

1. Assist in new product development activities.
2. Prepare designs as advised by the senior
3. Preparation and checking of BOM.
4. Assist production team till trial.
5. Checking the output from juniors
6. Maintain the soft and hard copies of relevant records viz. design and related documents of all projects.
7. Assisting the reporting manager for team training and development.
8. Any other duties assigned from time to time.

Personal Skills:

Ability to handle pressure
To be able to comprehend instructions
Educational skills – Any graduate in diploma in design from reputed plastic institute.
Should be able to perform mould design and product design
Should possess strong knowledge in Solid works software read less
Design JD.pdf pdf Sep 21, 2024

Things to know

Job location

Navi Mumbai, India

Work location

Job skill level


Skill Level

Job rate

Open budget


Job type


Job type

Job length

6+ months

Job duration

Areas of expertise

2D & 3D Drafting 2d and 3d solidworks modeling

Job categories

Mechanical Design Services

About the client

Payment not ready

India (05:01 am)



Job activity

7 Applicants

0 interviews in progress

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