Help to modify existing electrical drawing Ended

About the job

We are re-designing a portion of the electrical drawing for a custom project, and need to adjust maybe 30% of the lines/labels which we can either list out or draw via pencil,
This would be a multiple time project, where if you are familiar with electrical circuits, would like your help to draw the updated circuits quickly.
Please confirm if you have any experience with electrical circuits, as we might need it 1-2 days once confirmed (Can be done in 1 hour if you are familiar). Attached is a sample of electrical circuit, but for actual job we have a dwg/format available.
We are re-designing a portion of the electrical drawing for a custom project, and need to adjust maybe 30% of the lines/labels which we can either list out or draw via pencil,
This would be a multiple time project, where if you are familiar with electrical circuits, would like your help to draw the updated circuits quickly.
Please confirm if you have any experience with electrical circuits, as we might need it 1-2 days once confirmed (Can be done in 1 hour if you are familiar). Attached is a sample of electrical circuit, but for actual job we have a dwg/format available.
We are re-designing a portion of the electrical drawing for a custom project, and need to adjust maybe 30% of the lines/labels which we can either list out or draw via pencil,
This would be a multiple time project, where if you are familiar with electrical circuits, would like your help to draw the updated circuits quickly.
Please confirm if you have any experience with electrical circuits, as... read more
We are re-designing a portion of the electrical drawing for a custom project, and need to adjust maybe 30% of the lines/labels which we can either list out or draw via pencil,
This would be a multiple time project, where if you are familiar with electrical circuits, would like your help to draw the updated circuits quickly.
Please confirm if you have any experience with electrical circuits, as we might need it 1-2 days once confirmed (Can be done in 1 hour if you are familiar). Attached is a sample of electrical circuit, but for actual job we have a dwg/format available. read less
Electrical Circuit Diagram Sample.png png Nov 18, 2024

Things to know

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Job type

Job length

Under 1-month

Job duration

Areas of expertise

AutoCAD Electrical

Job categories

Electrical Circuit Design Services



Professional working proficiency

About the client

Payment not ready

Malaysia (07:31 am)



Job activity

32 Applicants

0 interviews in progress

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