Concept Car Illustration Ended

About the job

Create a concept car drawing of the Aito M7 as it would look in 10 years time. At the moment the styling is very bland and boring. Update the style to make it look futuristic but realistic, with more bold styling.
Create a concept car drawing of the Aito M7 as it would look in 10 years time. At the moment the styling is very bland and boring. Update the style to make it look futuristic but realistic, with more bold styling.
Create a concept car drawing of the Aito M7 as it would look in 10 years time. At the moment the styling is very bland and boring. Update the style to make it look futuristic but realistic, with more bold styling.
Create a concept car drawing of the Aito M7 as it would look in 10 years time. At the moment the styling is very bland and boring. Update the style to make it look futuristic but realistic, with more bold styling.

Things to know

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Job type

Job length

Under 1-month

Job duration

Areas of expertise

2D & 3D Design

Job categories

Concept Design

About the client

Payment not ready

United States (06:31 pm)



Job activity

9 Applicants

0 interviews in progress

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