I need a 3D scan and CAD of a plastic soap mold Ended

About the job

I have a two-part plastic soap mold that I need scanned to create a 3D Cad drawing. The two halves are held together by thick rubber bands for a tight seal and then heated liquid soap is poured into it. These molds we will be producing will be white in color as well as chemical and heat-resistant but the plastic needs to be durable enough to handle hundreds of pours without cracking. The current mold material is ideal but rather old. The dims of each piece are 7.25" H x 5.25" W x .75" D Pics are attached. E-mail with questions. I am looking for pricing and time to complete.
I have a two-part plastic soap mold that I need scanned to create a 3D Cad drawing. The two halves are held together by thick rubber bands for a tight seal and then heated liquid soap is poured into it. These molds we will be producing will be white in color as well as chemical and heat-resistant but the plastic needs to be durable enough to handle hundreds of pours without cracking. The current mold material is ideal but rather old. The dims of each piece are 7.25" H x 5.25" W x .75" D Pics are attached. E-mail with questions. I am looking for pricing and time to complete.
I have a two-part plastic soap mold that I need scanned to create a 3D Cad drawing. The two halves are held together by thick rubber bands for a tight seal and then heated liquid soap is poured into it. These molds we will be producing will be white in color as well as chemical and heat-resistant but the plastic needs to be durable enough to handle hundreds of pours without cracking. The current m... read more
I have a two-part plastic soap mold that I need scanned to create a 3D Cad drawing. The two halves are held together by thick rubber bands for a tight seal and then heated liquid soap is poured into it. These molds we will be producing will be white in color as well as chemical and heat-resistant but the plastic needs to be durable enough to handle hundreds of pours without cracking. The current mold material is ideal but rather old. The dims of each piece are 7.25" H x 5.25" W x .75" D Pics are attached. E-mail with questions. I am looking for pricing and time to complete. read less
Soap Mold Exterior.jpg jpg Dec 14, 2024
Soap Mold Interior.jpg jpg Dec 14, 2024
Soap Mold Two-Part together.jpg jpg Dec 14, 2024

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Under 1-month

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Areas of expertise

3D Scan to CAD

Job categories

3D Scanning Services 3D Scan to CAD Service

About the client

Payment ready

United States (06:31 pm)



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25 Applicants

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1 unanswered invites

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