BMS Chiller plant design Ended

About the job

Create cable tray/conduit routing pathways and available space for installation of panels, Piping and Instrumentation line diagram, instrument loop drawings and hook up drawings, BOQ creation of selected Instruments with specification with signal type 0-10V or 4-20mA and loop voltage, Cable schedule with type and size, Technical submittals (Flow Schematics, Panel GA, wiring details, etc.)
Create cable tray/conduit routing pathways and available space for installation of panels, Piping and Instrumentation line diagram, instrument loop drawings and hook up drawings, BOQ creation of selected Instruments with specification with signal type 0-10V or 4-20mA and loop voltage, Cable schedule with type and size, Technical submittals (Flow Schematics, Panel GA, wiring details, etc.)
Create cable tray/conduit routing pathways and available space for installation of panels, Piping and Instrumentation line diagram, instrument loop drawings and hook up drawings, BOQ creation of selected Instruments with specification with signal type 0-10V or 4-20mA and loop voltage, Cable schedule with type and size, Technical submittals (Flow Schematics, Panel GA, wiring details, etc.)
Create cable tray/conduit routing pathways and available space for installation of panels, Piping and Instrumentation line diagram, instrument loop drawings and hook up drawings, BOQ creation of selected Instruments with specification with signal type 0-10V or 4-20mA and loop voltage, Cable schedule with type and size, Technical submittals (Flow Schematics, Panel GA, wiring details, etc.)

Things to know

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Job skill level


Skill Level

Job rate

Open budget


Job type


Job type

Job length

Under 1-month

Job duration

Areas of expertise

2D & 3D Cable Schedule Electrical Design Electrical Drafting +1 more

Job categories

Engineering Design HVAC Design Services

About the client

Payment not ready

India (05:01 am)



Job activity

2 Applicants

0 interviews in progress

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