Hardware Engineer to build a prototype Anyone

About the job

I want to build an electronic hardware device with a software app enabling the following. I'm looking for a team/person to create a simple physical prototype; the software part will be developed elsewhere.

The modules would include a camera, sensors, wifi, a battery, etc.

1. Underline physical text/sentences and automatically send to app to store for future use. The underlining process shouldn't leave a physical doodling. Also, the user may underline a word or two for quick translation. The translation can be sent as an in-app notification, probably through a micro camera and gesture-tracking sensor.

2. Take photos.
I want to build an electronic hardware device with a software app enabling the following. I'm looking for a team/person to create a simple physical prototype; the software part will be developed elsewhere.

The modules would include a camera, sensors, wifi, a battery, etc.

1. Underline physical text/sentences and automatically send to app to store for future use. The underlining process shouldn't leave a physical doodling. Also, the user may underline a word or two for quick translation. The translation can be sent as an in-app notification, probably through a micro camera and gesture-tracking sensor.

2. Take photos.
I want to build an electronic hardware device with a software app enabling the following. I'm looking for a team/person to create a simple physical prototype; the software part will be developed elsewhere.

The modules would include a camera, sensors, wifi, a battery, etc.

1. Underline physical text/sentences and automatically send to app to store for future use. The underlining process sho... read more
I want to build an electronic hardware device with a software app enabling the following. I'm looking for a team/person to create a simple physical prototype; the software part will be developed elsewhere.

The modules would include a camera, sensors, wifi, a battery, etc.

1. Underline physical text/sentences and automatically send to app to store for future use. The underlining process shouldn't leave a physical doodling. Also, the user may underline a word or two for quick translation. The translation can be sent as an in-app notification, probably through a micro camera and gesture-tracking sensor.

2. Take photos. read less

Things to know

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Job skill level


Skill Level

Job rate

Open budget


Job type


Job type

Job length

Under 1-month

Job duration

Areas of expertise

Design with Electronics Electronics Design

Job categories

Electronic Devices Rapid Prototyping Prototype Design Engineering Prototype Design Services +1 more

About the client

Payment ready

Turkey (01:31 am)



Job activity

4 Applicants

1 interviews in progress

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