Digitalisation of construction layouts Ended

About the job

We are searching for someone who would be willing to digitalise scans of different layouts of buildings and prepare it so that we can prepare the layout for further use. In the scan you would need to digitalise walls, windows, doors & stairs - no text or. other elements.

The job would be part - time as we would contact you when we would need your services. Usualy you would get scans of older physical layouts of the whole building and you would create in digital format usualy a basement, ground floor, typical floor and upper floor.
Regarding deadline - we would expect that you finish it in due time when we agree on the deadline. We are flexible because the layouts are different so we expect that the persons knows to predict the required time.

We expect around 50 + layouts.

The designs of the layouts are different - depends of the time the building was created and wha kind of layout we get. In the attachment I am sending few different examples. Some are great and some are not (just lines). The end result does not need to be in scale but scematically correct.

Offering Price - negotiable,
We are searching for someone who would be willing to digitalise scans of different layouts of buildings and prepare it so that we can prepare the layout for further use. In the scan you would need to digitalise walls, windows, doors & stairs - no text or. other elements.

The job would be part - time as we would contact you when we would need your services. Usualy you would get scans of older physical layouts of the whole building and you would create in digital format usualy a basement, ground floor, typical floor and upper floor.
Regarding deadline - we would expect that you finish it in due time when we agree on the deadline. We are flexible because the layouts are different so we expect that the persons knows to predict the required time.

We expect around 50 + layouts.

The designs of the layouts are different - depends of the time the building was created and wha kind of layout we get. In the attachment I am sending few different examples. Some are great and some are not (just lines). The end result does not need to be in scale but scematically correct.

Offering Price - negotiable,
We are searching for someone who would be willing to digitalise scans of different layouts of buildings and prepare it so that we can prepare the layout for further use. In the scan you would need to digitalise walls, windows, doors & stairs - no text or. other elements.

The job would be part - time as we would contact you when we would need your services. Usualy you would get scans of olde... read more
We are searching for someone who would be willing to digitalise scans of different layouts of buildings and prepare it so that we can prepare the layout for further use. In the scan you would need to digitalise walls, windows, doors & stairs - no text or. other elements.

The job would be part - time as we would contact you when we would need your services. Usualy you would get scans of older physical layouts of the whole building and you would create in digital format usualy a basement, ground floor, typical floor and upper floor.
Regarding deadline - we would expect that you finish it in due time when we agree on the deadline. We are flexible because the layouts are different so we expect that the persons knows to predict the required time.

We expect around 50 + layouts.

The designs of the layouts are different - depends of the time the building was created and wha kind of layout we get. In the attachment I am sending few different examples. Some are great and some are not (just lines). The end result does not need to be in scale but scematically correct.

Offering Price - negotiable, read less
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Things to know

Job location


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Job skill level


Skill Level

Job rate

Open budget


Job type


Job type

Job length

6+ months

Job duration

Areas of expertise

2D CAD Drawings AutoCAD Paper to CAD Conversion

Job categories

Paper to AutoCAD Conversion

About the client

Payment not ready

Slovenia (12:30 am)



Job activity

32 Applicants

0 interviews in progress

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