Global rank:
26,887 / 91,168
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We provide both engineering and drafting services. We specialize in electrical engineering work which include (but not limited):
• Single/Multi line diagrams
• Power flow analysis
• Power System coordination
• Grounding
• Solar Design
• Layout diagrams
• Battery sizing
• … etc.

We guarantee your satisfaction.


  • Electrical Design Engineer Engineering Optimum Sun Ltd · Feb 2019 – Present 5 yrs 11 mos


  • Colorado School of Mines Electrical Engineering 2013 – 2019

Other experience

  • Solar Energy in Power System Study Rooftop PV penetration at distribution system poses various challenges to utilities. I have done an optimization study to increase PV penetration in distribution system without having issues on Utility side.
    The work has been published on IEEE magazine.
  • Air Conditioner - Upgrade I have been involved in a project to upgrade the air conditioning System in substation building. Location of new units will be in the roof of substation building & it will supply the cooled air through existing fresh air duct.
    My contributions: My scope was to give electrical power supply to the new AC units from the existing building substation including cable routing.
  • Motor Relay - Upgrade Few Motors in the plant had frequent failures. History Report shows that the frequent failures of those motors are mostly caused by the unreliability of motor manager MMIII functions which manage motor’s operations. In order to eliminate their frequent failures and to improve their reliability, the experts decided to replace the existing installed Motor Manager III (MMIII) with Motor Manager II (MMII) for all motors.
    My contributions: I contacted the manufacturer to procure MMII and I coordinated all installation work along with the subcontractor.
  • Lighting Poles I have been involved in a project installing lighting poles for better visibility and ease operation in evening working hours, and for security point of view.
    My contributions: I was the lead design engineer for this project.
  • Audible Alarm I have been involved in a project to replace old audible alarms with new ones. Old audible alarms were pneumatic. The new alarms were electric Horns and Beacons.
    My contributions: My scope was to find out an electrical power supply to the new audible alarms from the closest distribution panel.
  • UPS I have been involved in a project to replace old Poly UPS with new one. The new UPS had 30 KVA capacity and will be installed in the same location of the old one.
    My contributions: I was the lead design engineer for this project and I was duly responsible for procurement, installation and the design.
  • Heat Exchanger I have been involved is a project to replaced old heat exchangers with new ones. The new exchangers are manufactured by M/S APV company.
    My contributions: It was to provide the suitable electrical power supply to the heaters of the heat exchangers.
  • Cooler Fan I have been involved in a project installing a Fin Fan Coolers for Chilled Water compressor.
    My contributions: It was to take care for all motors required to the new fans, plus lighting and grounding.
  • Control Center I have been involved in a project of upgrading distribution control system (DCS) system.
    My contributions: It was to take care of new Distribution Panel, power supply (AC/DC), and grounding of the new system.
  • Tank Construction I have been involved in a project where a new tank is already erected in the site, but some other relevant works are not yet completed, such as lighting, grounding, etc.
    My contributions: It was to take care of all lighting and grounding of the tank.
  • Fire Alarm Upgrade I have been involved in a project to upgrade Safety level for working personnel in analyser houses and achieve uniformity of warning alarms throughout the plant.
    My contributions: It was to take care of MCC and circuit breakers modifications and to do all required secondary electrical work, such as lighting and cabling.

Joined: May 21, 2019

Last seen: August 15, 2023


Denver, CO, United States