Hotel Butler Robot
I am looking for an industrial design of a hotel butler robot with manufacturing specification. I would like an interchangeable face module - 1 with the mascot as the face, another with a screen as the face.
Additionally the robot needs to have an interchangeable stand to make it taller like the Double ipad stand.
Here are some of the specs the robot needs to possess so you can factor it into the design:
Size: 56 x 35 x 35 cm
Weight: 5-8kg with the majority of the weight at the bottom of the robot
Exterior Components:
• Rechargeable battery pad/station
Interchangeable Modules:
• Butler face head
• Screen face head
• Stand (Double Like) to extend height
Internal Component:
• 1080HD w night vision camera
• 2W speaker with 22mm diaphragm
• 1 microphone
• 1HDMI output
• 1USB output
• 1SD card slot
• Range finder sensors
• Ground detection sensors
• Object Detection sensors
• 4 motors feedback control
• Head rotation 2 Axes: 1st +/- 90°, 2nd +80°/-60°
• Base Movement 360° (2 drive wheels, 3rd support wheel)
• Electrical Rechargeable Battery
• Wifi & SIM Card
1) Butler Robot looking mostly like the attached mascot with an interchangeable screen module and rechargeable pad design
2) Adjustable height stand – see Double for reference
3) Video showing its movement and interchangeable module in order to show to the client
4) Manufacturing specifications
Design the coolest penis rings
We already have a successful line of vibrating penis rings, to get an idea visit
The new line will be different, though, ovo is a line created with a white, clean, mainstream concept, the new line will be branded LooP.
"LooP Maximum Performance"will be inspired in sports and concept cars, men worldwide appeal very well to sports cars and performance is always related to them, therefore, sexual performance can be inspired in sports cars.
Designers need to take the following into account:
1. Vibrating penis rings must meet their promise, they deliver orgasms by stimulating both, men and women during intercourse, designers must think of the ergonomics of sex, the ring constrains the flow of blood to the penis but the part that holds the motor serves a double purpose, it indirectly stimulates men and directly stimulates the clitoris, so successful designs must consider an elevation of the part that holds the motor.
2. I envision these rings as a fusion between the ring and a sports car, the front of the "car" is the ring and the hood holds the motor, the elevation that will get in contact with the clitoris is the "windshield" and the hood, the vibration from the motor will diffuse to the "windshield" and the "hood" the back of the ring is just pure design.
2. The material is medical grade silicone as it is stretchy and tissue safe, this also means the following constrains: Silicone is matt finished, attaining a glossy color is somewhat difficult but not impossible, there should not be too many elements in the ring as these rings perform in a "wet" environment, bacteria can get inside the joints of different layers.
3. I want 16 different rings, each of them inspired in a sports or concept car, we will have suggestive names for them like "Loop Stealth", "LooP M3", "LooP Viper", etc.
Finally, Have fun, I think it's an amazing project!!
PS. Attached is our number one selling penis ring from the current line, that will give you an idea on size, weight and motor positioning.
Also, I have attached a preliminary logo, the symbol you see is the celtic symbol of virility which could nicely be used in the rings the same way sports car have a symbol on the hood.
Euler Motors
Govt. of India has introduced new category of Vehicle - E Rickshaw last year primarily to uplift the working condition of rickshaw-pullers (from an otherwise physically taxing mode of commute, rickshaw pullers and drivers now have an easier and greener alternative.) E Rickshaw comes in two variant - Passenger Vehicle and Goods Carrier. Euler Motors is working on 3 Wheeler Electric Good Carrier variant for Indian Market - Tier 3/4 Markets { Villages, Small Townships }.
Here is specification according to government :-
1. Top Speed = 25 Km/H
2. Load Capacity = 310 Kgs
3. Length x Width x Height = 2.8 m x 1 m x 1.8 m . (Dimensions are in Meters)
Here are some of the existing version of E Rickshaw Goods Carrier :-
Salient Features That Euler Motors is working on :-
4.3” Inch Digital Display { Link = } instead of Regular Dial based display { Link = }. This display will display stats around Speed, Battery Left, Temp., Headlights, Indicator
Reverse Backup Camera : To enhance Safety of the vehicle and driver, a reverse backup camera will be attached to the rear - centre of the vehicle. Display from camera would appear on the 4.3” Digital display when vehicle reverses.
Li Ion Battery will be placed in front of the vehicle {below the driver’s seat}. However the structure should be made in a way that the battery can taken out from enclosure within 2 minutes if required. Entire battery back will consist of 2 modules. Each module will be of following dimensions
Each Module’s Weight = 12 Kgs
Each Module’s size : Length x Width x Height = 220 mm x 210 mm x 355 mm
2 Modules can be arranged along the width of vehicle or height in the battery pack.
Required Items inside the Vehicle:-
Li Ion Charging Spot needs to be on the vehicle installed.
Vehicle needs to include
First Aid Box
Mini Fire Extinguisher
Vehicle Charging Point needs to be on vehicle { , }
Standard vehicle parts - Front head light {LED headlight}, Front Indicator, Tail Lights, Rear Indicator, brake pedal.
Accelerator in the conventional 3 wheeler are along the handle.
Ridwan Sept