Global rank:
15,071 / 95,372
Skill pts: 0


An eclectic work experience of design and manufacturing spanning over three decades. The love of taking a concept through the various stages of product development has been a key driving force in my success in various industries:
• Medical Devices: Artificial LVAD and its Driver Equipment, dental equipment
• Toys: Laser Tag, Sega Handheld, Educational
• Computers: Apple Performa series
• DOD: Chaff launchers
• Tool & Die: Industrial rivets for airplanes and bridges
These accomplishments represent a devotion to the art of product design, meeting and exceeding the expectations of the consumer. It is this effort to blend function and art form that drives me to this day.


  • SUNY Delhi AA Architure, Architecture and Math/Sciences 1972 graduation


Age: 74

Joined: February 1, 2016


Cottonwood, CA, United States