Global rank:
55,697 / 95,239
Skill pts: 0


I am Mechanical Engineer having 5 years of experience in design and development of products and 3 years of core experience of pipeline engineer of subsea pipeline projects oil and gas sector.
I have work in so many projects of oil and gas.
In Recent project my role and responsibilities are to prepare the reports and drawing with calculation.
1.Riser elevation drawing.
2. Riser clamp drawing.
3. crossing drawing.
4. Sleeper arrangement drawing.
5. master layout drawing.
6.Riser analysis report.
7. Crossing analysis design report.
8.Global buckling report.
9. On bottom stability report.


  • Pipeline engineer sk engineering · Full-time Jun 2018 – Present 6 yrs 9 mos Ranchi, JH, India


  • Galgotias university B.Tech, M.Eng. Mechanical, A 2014 – 2018

Other experience

  • Product Design I have 2 years of experience in high pressure hose pipe design and development department in super seal flexible hose limited and also done the house 2D project.


Joined: December 12, 2022

Last seen: December 26, 2022


English Professional working proficiency

