Global rank:
7,206 / 94,841
Skill pts: 5


I’m a Mechanical Engineer with significant experience in structural analysis for Construction, Oil & Gas and Nuclear industry.
I will fulfill strength analysis for your product: Equipment or Metal construction.
Assistance with weak elements and optimization based on the analysis result.
I specialize in structural analysis for equipment and metal structures in various fields of industry. I supply the best quality engineering services exceeding customer expectations.
I have extensive experience in strength calculation for mechanical engineering and nuclear industry. Experience in the application of regulatory documents that establish requirements for the form and content of strength analysis.
I have a higher technical education and 8 years of work experience at a nuclear engineering enterprise.
Personally, I have a number of publications in a collection of scientific papers and magazines, and speeches at scientific industry conferences on the subject of validating the strength and impact resistance.
Use of modern and powerful software tools: ANSYS and LS-DYNA.

Analysis areas:
- Static strength (linear and nonlinear);
- Earthquake resistance;
- Buckling resistance;
- Vibration strength;
- Impact and thermal effects;
- Analysis of the strength of large equipment and attachment fittings during transportation;
- Fatigue strength and Remaining life assessment.

- Mechanical;
- Energy;
- Nuclear equipment;
- Oil and Gas;
- Lifting equipment;
- Shipbuilding;
- Transportation equipment.

Based on the results of the work, a detailed report is prepared, which contains information of materials, calculation models, strain-stress state assessment and a general conclusion of strength.


  • Mechanical Engineer Freelance (Self employed) · Freelance Feb 2022 – Present 3 yrs 1 mos Ashdod, South District, Israel Strength analysis for Equipment or Metal construction.
    Assistance with weak elements and optimization based on the analysis result.
    Structural analysis for equipment and metal structures in various fields of industry.
    Use of modern and powerful software tools: ANSYS and LS-DYNA.

    Analysis areas:
    - Static strength (linear and nonlinear);
    - Earthquake resistance;
    - Buckling resistance;
    - Vibration strength;
    - Impact and thermal effects;
    - Analysis of the strength of large equipment and attachment fittings during transportation;
    - Fatigue strength and Remaining life assessment.

    - Mechanical;
    - Energy;
    - Nuclear equipment;
    - Oil and Gas;
    - Lifting equipment;
    - Shipbuilding;
    - Transportation equipment.
  • Mechanical Engineer OKBM Afrikantov JSC (part of ROSATOM Mechanical Engineering Division) · Full-time Jul 2016 – Feb 2023 6 yrs 7 mos Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russia Strength analysis for Equipment or Metal construction.
    Assistance with weak elements and optimization based on the analysis result.
    Structural analysis for equipment and metal structures in various fields of industry.
    Use of modern and powerful software tools: ANSYS and LS-DYNA.

    Analysis areas:
    - Static strength (linear and nonlinear);
    - Earthquake resistance;
    - Buckling resistance;
    - Vibration strength;
    - Impact and thermal effects;
    - Analysis of the strength of large equipment and attachment fittings during transportation;
    - Fatigue strength and Remaining life assessment.


  • Nizhniy Novgorod State Technical University named after R.Y. Alekseev (NSTU) Master of Engineering - MEng, Nuclear Engineering Technology, 4,9 2011 – 2017 Technological literacy, Engineering Mind-set thinking, Design of nuclear power plants


Joined: February 23, 2023

Last seen: November 7, 2023


English Professional working proficiency

Russian Native or bilingual proficiency


Ashdod, HaDarom (Southern), Israel