Global rank:
67,259 / 94,339
Skill pts: 0


I am a Structural Design Engineer. I have four years of working experience in this field. I am skilled in analyzing and designing of commercial and residential buildings through various software like ETABS, SAFE, SAP, MIDAS, Sp slab, Sp Column, RAM CONNECTIONS and GRASP. I have gained extensive experience in the design of structural engineering and have developed strong skills and knowledge in this field.


  • Structural Design Engineer Impact Engineering Planning Management · Full-time Nov 2020 – Present 4 yrs 3 mos undefined, Pakistan I am working as Structural Design Engineer and gained extensive experience in the design of RCC, Wood and Steel Commercial and residential buildings, and have developed strong skills and knowledge in this field.


  • NED University of Engg & Tech Karachi Civil and Structural Engineering, Civil, A+ 2016 – 2020 Activities and Societies: ACI student chapter NED green society

Other experience

  • Freelancer Designer I am working as a freelnace structural engineer. I have designed multiple projects through freelancing.

Joined: September 6, 2023

Last seen: April 19, 2024


Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan