Global rank:
3,627 / 94,342
Skill pts: 7


I ventured into mechanical design at the start of my 3rd year of Engineering. I continued to work on my craft and in the process i was successfully able to secure a license as a Solidworks Certified Mechanical Design Associate (License Number: C-DCXUSSB9BJ).
Throughout my 4th year i continued to work on numerous projects as well as assisted my Professor for Product Design to help students in achieving the basics in this area. Upon graduation i took up an internship in the World's Leading wind turbine Manufacturer's (Goldwind Science and Technology) at their R&D department where i worked on a conceptual Linear Pitch drive system.
My last experience left me with an in-depth know -how on bringing ideas and concepts to a #d platform.


  • Northwestern Polytechnical University Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation 2016 graduation

Age: 32

Joined: October 24, 2016


Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan