Global rank:
80,372 / 84,877
Skill pts: 0


I am a building sustainability consultant. If you are working on a building project and you care about how the building performs in the environment and for the occupants, I can help.
- Climate analysis
- Passive design strategies
- Occupant thermal and visual comfort
- Renewable energy design
- Building performance simulation
- Energy efficiency
- Building certifications
- Artificial lighting design
- Energy auditing
- Sustainable landscape


  • Energy and environment consultant BSP - Boom Shahr Paydar · Part-time Jun 2024 – Present 3 mos Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran It has been 3 years since I started working with this company, and during this time, I have had the opportunity to participate in several projects, focused on improving occupant comfort and minimizing environmental damage. I am honored to work with expert architects in my country. A selection of the services we have provided to our clients is presented in my "Portfolio".


  • Shahid Beheshti University MS in Building science, Building sustainability 2018 – 2021

Joined: June 2, 2024

Last seen: June 2, 2024

