S2 Maintenance Technician
Perdue Farms · Full-time
Oct 2018 –
6 yrs 5 mos Rincon, GA, United States
I got this job by apply multiple skillsets into my work. I do so with every other project I work on. The results come out better than before. Picked up Electrical, pnuematic, PLC, Maintenance, production, and more from this job, I ended up specializing in everything I do. No one to teach me. Most relevant thing of this job is attention to detail, Blueprint reading, and making sure whoever orders my parts get the correct one even when I listed the information right in front of them and the situation.
Car Detailer
Auto Shine Car Wash · Full-time
Jul 2016 –
Jul 2018
2 yrs Rincon, GA, United States
Detailed the shit out of cars. Had alot of customers. First job, paid for college. Once I left they lost a lot of customers. I detail cars on the side now.
George Brown College
Certificate, PLC, All A's
2024 – 2024
Introduction to Automation. How shit gets wired up. Including basically programming PLCs. Went over RTUs and PACs of SCADA systems.
Savannah Technical College
Associate, Mechanical Engineering, All A's
2016 – 2018
Activities and Societies:
Autocad Experience for 7 years, Inventor Professional for 4 years, and Catia V5R21 for a semester. I've played with a few other programs overthe years to see what is different.
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