Global rank:
21,367 / 95,460
Skill pts: 0


I am the director of my own fire protection consultancy in Australia, called PCS Consulting, with over 12 years of experience in fire protection, from on site installation through to consulting and commissioning. We specialize in Wet & Dry Fire including; Fire Sprinkler Systems, Fire Hydrant and Hose Reel Systems, Combined Hydrant and Sprinkler Systems, Fire Detection and Alarm Systems
Emergency Warning and Intercommunication Systems, Gaseous Suppression Systems, Peer Review services, Value Management services and Expert Witnessing.

I have worked on all types of projects from fit-outs to tunnels, ranging from construction values of Less than AU$1 Million to AU$30Billion. Whilst majority of my experience is in either Australia or New Zealand, I have been lucky enough to work on projects internationally Dubai, Qatar, Brunei, Malaysia and Indonesia. Full project experience can be given, if needed. Please note, on-site attendance can be arranged.

Design works can be completed in AutoCAD or REVIT, with calculation packages. Specifications and briefs will be filled out in our own template, unless provided by the client.

Relevant Australian Standards, such as (AS) 1670, 2118.1, 2118.4, 2118.6, 2419, 2441,
2444, 2941.
New Zealand Standards, such as (NZS) 4541, 4510, 4503, 4512
International codes such as (NFPA) 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 22, 24, 30
FM data sheets
UAE Fire and Life Safety Code of Practice


Joined: November 6, 2017

