Global rank:
21,720 / 94,841
Skill pts: 0


Servinge is an engineering services organization devised with the aim of create a link between the engineering requirements and the engineering professionals able comply with such requirement with the most competitive experience, knowledge, quality and prices considerably lower.

The proposal is to achieve such conditions establishing a working model based on the contract of specialized professionals without the need of relocate them from their original country or city. Not only one engineer, but a team of engineering prepared with the same capacities and conditions as an in place team.

Our goal is ensure the quality and legal conditions that allow this kind of working model be possible.

There are many countries and communities where exist an important engineering capacity available to complement activities in companies around the world making theirs process even more efficient and competitive, our goal is to find those activities and make economically, legally and technically possible this work scheme which is being used more and more all over the world.


  • Universidad de Carabobo Civil Engineer 2006 graduation


Age: 41

Joined: December 18, 2017


Caracas, Distrito Federal, Venezuela