Global rank:
8,813 / 93,225
Skill pts: 0


am an Architectural Technician and I hired and mentored students and new
employees at the last pectic I worked in witch could be of benefit to
your company, with 8 years experience in Architecture and 4 years
experience in Engineering, I have 12 years experience 6 of these havebeen
in a managerial role, hiring staff, training staff in presentation,
design and regulations. I have helped with the design of conveyor
systems for Intel, Dell and IBM and I have more than 7 years of
experience with the building industry in a management role working on a
variety of projectslarge and small, from interior and mixed use
developments to one off houses and housing estates, office buildings and
Industrial buildings. I was in the lead Role for most of the projects I
have been involved in for the last 5 years and I think this experience
would be put to good use in a position in Your Company.I am also well versed in the EU regulations pertaining to building sites, buildings ie. Fire Regulations, Sound Insulation Regulations and Water and Waist Regulations.  In my last Practice,
I assembled Fire reports and drawings for review in the local
Authority's, Reports for Planning Issues and Licensing Reports for Court


Joined: July 25, 2012

