Global rank:
25,538 / 94,988
Skill pts: 0


My name is Aynur Nagi
I have a Bachelor degree in Urban Design and Landscape Design - and from my architectural design specialties (Villa - Residential Building - Chalet - Hospital - Urban Design & Landscape Architect - Administrative building, cafe, etc.) until Scale 1/200 Urban design (tourist village - resorts - sports club or social center - cultural center - entertainment center - compound residential ... etc) until Scale 1/1000 Landscaping and landscaping (Residential gardens - villas gardens - parks and recreational - Landscape service areas ... etc) with
-3d max

also i'm graphic designer 6 years ago .. with
- illustrator
- indesign
- aftereffect ... etc) programs

now i put 6 years of experience of urban and graphic design in your hands ^^


  • faculty of urban and regional planning bachelor of urban design and landscape architecture, urban design 2018 graduation